
Discussion on: Which JavaScript frameworks are worth learning in 2021?

katieadamsdev profile image
Katie Adams

Where my Vue devs at? All frameworks have their merit honestly; I'd say think about what core skills you really want to hone and pick a framework that will aid/reinforce those values. Personally, the lack of barrier to entry with Vue was a massive plus for me and to this day I'm yet to find something it can't do for me. I also think it'll give me a good basis to learn Angular at some point in the future. React is quite heavy on the JSX which, if you're not a fan of, might be a reason to give it a miss. However, it's very popular and common among lots of big companies, where there will be lots of good guidance and teamwork to support learning. Gatsby is one I want to learn desperately as GraphQL is something I'm keen on understanding and a framework that goes hand-in-hand with it seems like an opportunity. Smaller frameworks? I'm intrigued by EmberJS a lot. 🤔 There really is no right answer; framework choice is incredibly personal and will likely depend on the type of project you're wanting to work on. :3

bertmeeuws profile image
Bert Meeuws

I have a pretty decent understanding of react and learning vue 3 atm.
You should really learn react and try out Gatsby. The plugins for gatsby are insane, take off so much of the heavy lifting.

katieadamsdev profile image
Katie Adams

I've done a little React, and a lot of React Native. I'm v excited for Gatsby and the plugins you speak of sound awesome!

maureento8888 profile image
Maureen T'O • Edited

Vue dev here! I agree with the low entry barrier of Vue. I love Vue because of its separation of concerns with the HTML, CSS, and JS. I found React a little "artificial" in its JSX but would be worthwhile to learn at some point. I haven't yet found a pain point for Vue.js yet and find it just what they say, "incrementally adoptable" 💚

katieadamsdev profile image
Katie Adams

Completely agree with what you've said here! Especially the point about separation of concerns. 😁

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terpinmd profile image

Just pointing out that react is a UI library so jsx along side of javascript is fine. You can have services or hooks that don't have JSX in them.

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katieadamsdev profile image
Katie Adams

JSX just might be a shock to the system, for those who've not encountered it before, that's all I meant. Never was against JSX as a concept :)

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xowap profile image
Rémy 🤖

Not a shock at all, I was quite used to JSX for a long time before its release and that's why I hate it. Anyone heard of PHP?

arvindsridharan profile image

Thanks for your opinion about Vue. Currently I am solidifying my JavaScript basics. Will try Vue after a month.

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katieadamsdev profile image
Katie Adams

Hey, that sounds great! Definitely get that core JavaScript knowledge down first. That'll serve you well no matter the framework. Good luck and have fun!

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arvindsridharan profile image


nicozerpa profile image
Nico Zerpa (he/him)

Vue.js has a fantastic pro, and it's that you can add it to legacy projects with a simple <script> tag. That's how I used it for the first time.

katieadamsdev profile image
Katie Adams

This is really good point, you're so right!

parsepec profile image

Try gridsome its like gatsby but for vue, it also uses graphql

katieadamsdev profile image
Katie Adams

This is a great tip, thank you. I'll check it out :)

danroc profile image
Daniel da Rocha

Vue Dev here. Just love it, especially the community around it and the sense that it is a community-led project from the ground up. I do wish there were more articles/libraries/projects focusing on it though. I often check out some exciting projects and then see they are only for React devs. React's popularity makes it a good framework to learn as well, with lots of job offers out there, but also much more competition.

But in the end, if you know one framework well and understand the language and how to build well-structured apps, you can easily transfer your knowledge to other frameworks. Just go with what gives you pleasure as a dev!

katieadamsdev profile image
Katie Adams

Couldn't have said it better myself!

itachiuchiha profile image
Itachi Uchiha

I'm using Vue for 3 years. I am a little bit bored. Because there aren't enough Vue libraries. I found my needs for React. But I'm still using it. There is a lot of projects I've made with it.

katieadamsdev profile image
Katie Adams

That's completely reasonable. Vue is very much in its infancy to React and there's A LOT of documentation, support, and community for the latter. :)

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itachiuchiha profile image
Itachi Uchiha

Yep but still has a huge community :)