
Cover image for React 18 Full Stack app, Free
Katie / World Class Code
Katie / World Class Code

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React 18 Full Stack app, Free

Learn how to make a react js full stack app in 18 steps
Its free:
Step 1: Introducing the Course “React JS, Full Stack”.
Step 2: Create React App
Step 3: Visual Studio Code (run an app first time)
Step 4: Yarn, NPM (Starting and Stopping your code)
Step 5: Use State Hook
Step 6: Javascript (Commands)
Step 7: CSS (Flexbox, Position, and Styled Components)
Step 8: CSS (Responsive design, Mobile first)
Step 9: React Router
Step 10: Use Context Hook
Step 11: Use Effect Hook
Step 12: Modals
Step 13: Persistent state (Handling browser refresh)
Step 14: Firebase Authentication
Step 15: Firebase Firestore (database)
Step 16: Complete e-commerce app (Bringing it all together)
Step 17: Firebase Hosting
Step 18: Wrap up

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