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Building and Consuming a JSON API with Rails and React

Kattya Cuevas on October 10, 2019

When I thought about how to build an API, I started to search for what is the "best way" to do it. I found that exists specifications to build an A...
kacalamaka profile image

Hi, I have an error when I run the command "foreman start -f"

The error message are written below:

D:/CVWO/project/config/routes.rb:5:in block (2 levels) in <top (required)>': undefined methodjsonapi_resources' for #ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper:0x... (NoMethodError)

Can somebody help me resolve this isssues?
I try look up for solutions on the internet, but there weren't any. I am also green to react-rails.

athuyaoo profile image

Did you install the gem jsonapi_resources?

mikenath223 profile image
Michgolden Ukeje

Hi, Really love your post. But please when you wrote this:

This script will load the pack posts.jsx. We have to create that pack in the app/javascript/packs folder:

Where do i fix this code below:

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import App from "components/App";

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {

nicktohzyu profile image
nicktohzyu • Edited

You wrote

We're going to create the ApiController, to extend the controller from the ActionController::API module of Rails, and also we're going to include the JSONAPI::ActsAsResourceController from JSONAPI::Resources.

class ApiController < ActionController::API
include JSONAPI::ActsAsResourceController

Which file does this go in, and what is the path to that file? (am total beginner)

athuyaoo profile image

This should be in the controllers folder.

thiagocardoso1988 profile image
Thiago Cardoso

any light on how to fix this error on Rails 6.1:

uninitialized constant ActionController::ForceSSL (NameError)

this happens when I try to spin up the server, after I installed jsonapi

thiagocardoso1988 profile image
Thiago Cardoso

I saw an issue here, but without resolution :(

kattyacuevas profile image
Kattya Cuevas

Hi Thiago! I've just seen the issue. There are other libraries to implement JSON API spec with rails. You can see them here:

johnfajardo profile image
John Fajardo • Edited

Why use a gem for json instead of using the --api flag when creating the new rails project?

kattyacuevas profile image
Kattya Cuevas

It's because I am building a web application which included an API inside. With the --api flag, I lose the initial configuration to render HTML views.

I did that instead of having 2 separated applications because I prefer to handle the routes with Rails, and after that, load the correct React application.

lavaldi profile image
Claudia Valdivieso

I'll finally learn JSON API 🙌 Thanks Kattya!