1)Selenium Architecture
The architecture of Selenium is composed of :-
1) Selenium IDE:
a) IDE = Integrated Development Environment.
b) It is nothing but a simple web-browser extension.
c) You just need to download and install the extension for that
particular web browser.
d) It can automate as well as record the entire automation
e) people generally prefer to write test-scripts using
Python, Java, JavaScript etc,
2) Selenium Remote Control:
a) It has been deprecated.
b) It is not used these days.
c) It it been replaced by Selenium WebDriver or better to
say the Python Selenium WebDriver Manager.
3) Selenium WebDriver:
a) It is a major component of Selenium test suite
b) It provides us an interface between the programming
language in which we write our test-scripts and the web-
browser itself.
c) It is composed of :-
i) Selenium Client Library:
1)They are language bindings/commands which
you will use to write your automation
2)These commands are compatible with HTTP, TCP-
IP protocols.
3)They are nothing but wrappers which sent the
commands to the network for execution into a
web- browser.
ii) Selenium API:
1)It is a set of rules and regulations which your Python
program uses to communicate with each other.
2)It helps us in automation without the need for the user
to understand what is happening in the background.
iii) JSON Wire Protocol:-
1)The commands that you write gets converted into JSON.
which is then transmitted across the network or to your
web-browser so that it can be executed for automation
and testing.
2)The JSON requests are sent to the client using the TCP-
IP/HTTP protocol.
iv) Browser Driver:
1)It acts as a bridge between the Selenium script,
libraries and the web-browser.
2)It helps us to run the Selenium test-scripts which
comprises Selenium commands on a particular web-browser.
4) Selenium Grid:-
a)It is used to run parallel tests on multiple devices
running different browsers at different geographical
b)We can run multiple test-cases simultaneously at one
moment of time.
c)It uses the Hub-Node architecture or Master-Slave architecture.
2)Python Virtual Environment
a)It is a module which helps us to keep the required
dependencies of a particular project by creating
isolated environments for them.
b)It is like Sandboxing your software.
c)Install the virtual environment Python module βGloballyβ.
Installing Python Virtual Environment Module:
pip install Virtual
Verify the Python Virtual Environment Module:
virtual version.
Create a virtual Environment:
a)It is created per project.
b)It will create a folder for your project.
virtualenu < project _ folder _ name>
cd < project_ folder _name>
NOTES : Just activate your Virtual Environment and start writing your Python codes.
pip install selenium
pip install WebDriver-manager
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