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Discussion on: Pitch me on TypeScript

kayis profile image

I like TypeScript, but...!

I'm an average dev that was never very fond of statically typed languages like Java or C.

When I learned it in school and university I resented it.

At work I learned langauges like PHP and JavaScript, and they felt much more lightweight. It felt like finally learning something that was created with a getting things done attitude.

Obviously, these dynamically typed languages came with their own downsides in the long run. So, I really appreciate TypeScript helping out here.

But I think, I mostly like TypeScript because I'm already veeery deep into JavaScript. Like, I have most of the types in my head when coding. This means, TypeScript feels like simply writing down what I have in my head and don't have to remember it all the time. Which is nice.

But I think, for people less versed in JavaScript it can feel a bit confusing, because the not-so-optimal type system of JavaScript (and in turn TypeScript).

I know the idiosyncracies so it doesn't confuse me... okay sometimes it does, and that is actually nice, because TypeScript shows me where my model was flawed. But yeah, when you get such errors while still beginning with programming it's daunting.

What I also like about TypeScript is the opt-in and structual typing. You can always throw an unknown around and clear it up later and if something is simply called different, but has the same structure, things still work out, which is a huge improvement over Java.