
React UI Kits

K on January 05, 2019

I found the amount of UI toolkits for React impressive, so I wanted to share what I found. I found 18 UI kits and checked how many stars on GitHub...
sunnysingh profile image
Sunny Singh

I really like the composability of Reakit as that solves the issue a lot of UI component frameworks tend to have in not being flexible enough. Although personally the only React one I used so far was Material-UI v1.

However, I think it's better in the long term to create your own components and use primitive helpers like Downshift to reuse complex behavior with your own styling applied.

kayis profile image

You're right.

I used Bootstrap because it felt really flexible and then, when I started using React, I switched to React-Bootstrap, but it didn't feel as powerfull as plain CSS-Bootstrap, so dropped it again and did my own components with CSS-Bootstrap.

lukaszholeczek profile image
Łukasz Holeczek

Is your library available on GitHub, I would like to try it because we also create our own Bootstrap CSS based library for React.js

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kayis profile image

I didn't do a library. I use react-bootstrap and then I did "hand rolled components" for all my apps where I dropped bootstrap class names right inside the React components.

thorstenhirsch profile image
Thorsten Hirsch • Edited

Thanks, this is a great overview of what's available out there. Looks like the bigger the supporting company is, the bigger is the set of components to choose from in their ui kit. The most complete and thoroughly designed seem to be:

  • Atlas (Atlassian, the company behind Jira)
  • Elastic UI
  • Lightning (Salesforce)
  • Material UI (Google, of course)
  • Microsoft (if you want your apps to look like Office 365)

So far I only used Material UI. Shopify's set is smaller than I thought. And I wonder why JetBrains has a web UI kit at all, since their primary products are Java based fat client applications.

I will check out Elastic UI and Lightning in the next days.

kayis profile image

Yes, I was blown away by all these companies. Salesforce and JetBrains... who would have thought?

borovik96 profile image
Vladimir • Edited

This is one cool evergreen

kayis profile image

Yes, looks interesting. :)

samuelmesq profile image
Samuel Mesquita

I use Ant Design at work, it is really good.

aaronplanell profile image
Aaron Planell López

I love Ant Design. Components and documentation are amazing 😊

Sloan, the sloth mascot
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dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim

That looks really nice. Thanks for sharing~

marcellahaller profile image

good job, keep it up!
Speaking of UI-kit, the article should be mentioned, this is a useful material for beginners, which will give a clear understanding of the functioning of the ui kit and its benefits.

victorinspace profile image
Victor Velasquez

Thanks for this!

I've only tried Semantic UI, but I'm looking forward to giving these a try!

cbrintnall profile image
Christian Brintnall

Really nice comprehensive list, and includes quite a few that aren't normally mentioned which is great. Thanks!

kayis profile image

You are welcome 😬

uoxiu profile image
Nicolae Godina

We started the development of ebs-design, it's a young alternative for enterprise applications UI Kits.

uqimerioni profile image
No Do
moumnimohamed profile image
moumni mohamed • Edited

how can i create my one ui kit for react native ?

kayis profile image

Look at the github repositories here, they can be used as inspiration! :)

anthonybrown profile image
Tony Brown

I've used Grommet and Material UI.

I'm not a huge fan of these but I can see why people use them.

anthonybrown profile image
Tony Brown

This is a young project but definitely the most promising imo
Ryan Florence's project, it's all about accessibility and composition.
Nice to work with, easy to style. If I had to use one again, this is the one I would pick.

Just my 2 cents 🍾

wannymiarelli profile image
Wanny Miarelli

If I don't go wrong Atlassian Kit is not intended for general use, the license state that it can only be used to create products connected with the Atlassian eco-system, be careful :)

kayis profile image

Classic Atlassian, thanks!

kayis profile image

At the moment: None of them.

I just looked into them. Until now I hand-rolled all my UIs with plain React.