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Rounding the bootcamp corner ...

Feelings Friday turned into a feelings weekend...

Suddenly bootcamp graduation is around the corner. I'd say that I'm super excited to finish, but anxiety of the end is starting to grow.

I had a few persisting thoughts through the weekend:

  1. After every phase, I would recharge and reload over the weekend and prep myself for content week 1. But as phase 4 ended, the lingering thought of getting a job looms the largest.

It's hard to focus on anything else at the moment. After all, the whole point of this bootcamp was to bridge the gap for me, into the tech world. To help someone like me with zero experience get their foot in the door and become a software engineer. I'm starting to think about it before I go to bed at night.

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I write all these negative things to flushes them out of my thought process. I am continually reminding myself to compartmentalize and focus on one thing at a time.

So here is my 26th attempt to refocus on phase 5, and creating a fun and dynamic capstone project!

  1. I can't believe I am about to graduate?! I vividly remember day 1 and meeting my few cohort mates in the blue room. Now we are on our phase 5 zoom meeting call, prepping for our capstone.

When I am not all doom and gloom, I usually find myself feeling extremely grateful. Grateful for my GF and family who have supported me along this short but difficult journey. Grateful to my cohort for being fun and encouraging in the low points of the bootcamp.

It is a constant back and forth between these two thoughts. All negative or all positive. Feels a bit like a devil and angel riding shotgun on my shoulders.

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Ultimately, it really is about taking it one step at a time. Focusing on one specific step or aspect of life, and doing it to the best of your ability.

For anyone out there, about to embark on a new journey into uncharted territory, I have a few pieces of advice. I wouldn't say to blindly follow your dreams, because I feel that a decision like that can lead you to some rough places in life. I would instead encourage you to do your research. Make sure you have a support system of some kind in place, for the dark days or weeks. Lastly, believe that you can do it. Put your head down and start working!

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