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When you log in to your Azure, at the task bar, type virtual machine and click on the one that is greyed out.
to create a virtual machine, click on the + create as shown below and select the Azure virtual machine create a virtual machine hosted by Azure and wait.

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It takes you to the Create a Virtual Machine Page where you have your basics Tab. This comprises of your Project Detail which includes your subscription and resource group. click on the create resource group and name it. see diagram below.

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Go to your instant details tab,name your virtual machine, chose your region and the availability zone as shown below.

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NB: I chose Three availability zones in order have my data replicated in those three zones so that I can easily recover my data from other zones in case any of the zones fail.

Because I am deploying a windows 11 virtual machine, at the image section I selected windows 11 pro as shown below and leave the others as default.

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For the administrator account section, we create the user name and password which you will use to log into the virtual machine after creation.we create as shown below

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next is the Inbound Port Rules. leave the allowed selected ports checked and because we are deploying a windows machine, we select RDP 3389 for the selected inbound ports as shown below
NB: the ports are be checked in other to have a synergy with whatever am going to need it for. without it, it is deactivated.

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For the licensing section, check it as shown below.

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For the monitoring Section, we disable the diagnostics so to protect my work because of defense in-depth which is a strategy that leverages multiple security measures to protect an organization's assets. see below for disabling diagnostics.

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For the tagging Section, we use it to tie the cost of running the machine to the department that uses it. so we tag as shown below

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after which we click review and create and allow it to load for a while. If the validation check is green, then we are good to go, but if red, the we need to check some things we did wrongly while setting up the VM and correct them. the validation check will indicate as shown below.

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Notice that the cost was tied to the IT department. see below.

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Click on the Create button to create our Virtual machine and allow it to load. It displays deployment in progress as shown below

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And after a while it displays your deployment is complete as shown below.

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click go to resource button as indicated above and it takes you to the VM page where you will see the status indicating running, and the public IP address displayed as shown below

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Click on the IP adress and it brings you to the time out page. stretch out the time out from 4mins to 30mins and save. as shown below

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Reason: If the time out is not reset to max time which is 30 minutes, you might be timed out while working on the VM.
when it pops out saved public IP address changes and checked green, close that saved time out window to bring you back to our VM page as shown below. Click on connect to connect to your virtual machine as indicated below.

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After loading, it brings you to the native RDP page where you will click on select as shown

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At the right hand side of the screen is the native RDP trying to configure the prerequisites and the public IP to validate. see pics below.

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After configuration, the validating changes to configured as show below

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Next click on the Download RDP File as shown below

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After downloading, Since we are configuring windows machine, we click on the downloaded RDP File and it will start connecting. For windows user, it connects directly, but MAC users, you need to download a Microsoft remote desktop in other to open the downloaded file. so when we click on the downloaded file, it brings us to a page where you need to log in with the password you created in the admin while displaying your username. as shown below.
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Log in the password and click continue, allow it to load for a while and a windows 11 Interface displays as shown below

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allows it to load and it displays what you see below which is normal.

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Click on the next button and a windows 11 computer desktop displays as below.

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