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Discussion on: Daily Challenge #33 - Did you mean...?

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Ken Bellows • Edited

Implemented the algorithm in the Wikipedia article for Levenshtein distance in JavaScript:

 * Find the Levenshtein distance between two strings
 * (see
 * @param {String} a  First string to compare
 * @param {String} b  Second string to compare
function lev(a, b) {
  const _step = (i, j) => (
    Math.min(i, j) === 0 ? Math.max(i, j) :
      _step(i-1, j) + 1,
      _step(i, j-1) + 1,
      _step(i-1, j-1) + (a[i-1] === b[j-1] ? 0 : 1)
  return _step(a.length, b.length)

 * Find the most similar word in the dictionary to the provided word
 * @param {String[]} dict   Array of strings to use as dictionary
 * @param {String} word     Word to correct
function findMostSimilar (dict, word) {
  const [, closest] = dict.reduce(([min, best], next) => {
    const dist = lev(word, next)
    return dist < min ? [dist, next] : [min, best]
  }, [Infinity, ''])
  return closest


Forgot to add testing code, so here's some test cases. (The test runner assumes that it's being run in the web console, by the way.)

// Tests
const a1 = ['cherry', 'pineapple', 'melon', 'strawberry', 'raspberry']
const a2 = ['stars', 'mars', 'wars', 'codec', 'codewars']
const a3 = ['javascript', 'java', 'ruby', 'php', 'python', 'coffeescript']

const testCases = [
  [a1, 'strawbery', 'strawberry'],
  [a1, 'berry', 'cherry'],
  [a2, 'code', 'codec'],
  [a2, 'starwars', 'stars'],
  [a3, 'script', 'javascript'],
  [a3, 'cofcript', 'coffeescript']

let caseNum = 1
for (const [dict, input, expected] of testCases) {
  const output = findMostSimilar(dict, input)
  const [status, style] = (
    output === expected
      ? ['', 'color: green']
      : ['', 'color: red']
  console.log(`${caseNum++}: ${input} should match ${expected} %c${status}`, style)
  if (output !== expected) {
    console.log(`    returned ${output} instead`)

And here's the output when I run it in Chrome:

Screenshot of Chrome console output from above testing code showing that all tests pass