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Muhammad abdulhhadi kehinde
Muhammad abdulhhadi kehinde

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Data-Driven Sales Strategies: The Impact of RFM Analysis and KPI Reports Unveiled

Let's take a look at RFM analysis and KPI report of Sales data with SQl and tableau

In this article;

  • What is Sales Analysis?
  • What are KPI's?
  • RFM analysis, and What it is?
  • Analyze a Sales data of an imaginary store.
  • RFM analysis on a sales data.
  • Make Visuals/Dashboard & KPI Report from the analysis above.
  • Finally, Elaborate about why Sales analysis is import for business's and how it can benefit them.

Target: Business analyst, Data analyst, Business managers.

Note: The code in this article can be found in this GitHub repo: Sales Analysis

In the fast-paced and competitive landscape of business, data-driven decision-making has become a cornerstone for achieving success. Among the plethora of analytical techniques, sales analysis stands as a crucial pillar that empowers organizations to gain valuable insights into their sales performance and customer behavior. Within the realm of sales analysis, two powerful tools emerge as beacons of understanding – RFM analysis and KPI reports.

At its core, sales analysis involves the systematic examination of sales data to extract meaningful information about a company's sales performance, customer interactions, and market trends. Armed with these invaluable insights, businesses can make well-informed decisions, optimize strategies, and strengthen their competitive edge in the market.

The analytics process involves the systematic review of sales-related information, such as revenue, units sold, customer demographics, product performance, and other relevant metrics.

The main objectives of sales analysis are to:

  • Evaluate Performance.
  • Identify Trends and Pattern.
  • Understand Customer Behavior.
  • Optimize Inventory Management.
  • Assess Marketing Effectiveness.
  • Forecast Future Sales.

Sales analysis is an essential aspect of business intelligence, as it empowers companies to make informed decisions, spot opportunities for growth, and identify areas for improvement in their sales processes. It plays a vital role in driving sales strategies, increasing revenue, and overall business success.

RFM Analysis: One of the fundamental methodologies within sales analysis is the RFM analysis, an acronym for Recency, Frequency, and Monetary Value. RFM analysis is a customer segmentation technique that provides a comprehensive understanding of customer behavior based on their transaction history.

KPI Reports: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) play a vital role in comprehending the overall effectiveness and success of a company's sales operations. KPIs are quantifiable metrics that serve as benchmarks, providing businesses with specific targets to monitor and analyze.

In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of RFM analysis and KPI reports, exploring how they revolutionize sales data interpretation, foster growth, and drive success in the ever-evolving world of business.

PREREQUISITE: Any SQL Tool and Tableau


At first we need to load the dataset we are going to work with. There are several ways to load/import data set into an SQl database, for this guide i am going to use python to import the data set into PostgreSQL.

Note: The data set use in this notebook is sourced from kaggle >

To import data set into SQL using python;

The to_sql() function in Python is used to write records from a Pandas DataFrame to a SQL database. It is a very powerful function that can be used to store data in a variety of database formats.

The syntax for the to_sql() function is as follows:

import pandas as pd
sales_df = pd.read_csv('Superstore data.csv', encoding='ISO 8859-1')
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
engine = create_engine('postgresql://postgres:mlyt09@localhost:5432/projectsql')
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Here: postgresql:// > the sql_tool, postgres: > the user, mlyt09 > the password, @localhost: > the host, 5432 > the port, /projectsql the database.

player_df.to_sql(name='sales', con=engine,index=False if_exists='replace')
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Check to confirm the data is in PSQL...

projectsql=# \dt sales
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

List of relations

Schema Name Type Owner
public sales table postgres
projectsql=# \d sales
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Table "public.sales"

Column Type
row_id bigint
order_id text
order_date date
ship_date text
ship_mode text
customer_id text
customer_name text
segment text
country text
city text
state text
postal_code bigint
region text
product_id text
category text
sub_category text
product_name text
sales double precision
quantity bigint
discount double precision
profit double precision
year integer
month integer

Querying the data to answer the questions.

(Qr1) Check to confirm the total number of records.

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

(Qr2) Extracting Year and Month from the 'order_date' column.

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

+9990 others

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

+9990 others

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


UPDATE sales SET year = EXTRACT(YEAR FROM order_date)
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


UPDATE sales SET month = EXTRACT(MONTH FROM order_date)
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


(Qr3) Checking the Unique values for Some of the data_variables.

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
SELECT DISTINCT ship_mode FROM sales
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
First Class
Second Class
Standard Class
Same day
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
Home office
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
Office Supplies

(Qr4) Product Category with the most Sales through 2014-2017.

SELECT sub_category, ROUND(SUM(sales)) AS sales
    FROM sales
    GROUP BY sub_category
    ORDER BY sales DESC
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
sub_category sales
Phones 330007
Chairs 328449
Storage 223844
Tables 206966
Binders 203413
Machines 189239
Accessories 167380
Copiers 149528
Bookcases 114880
Appliances 107532
Furnishings 91705
Paper 78479
Supplies 46674
Art 27119
Envelopes 16476
Labels 12486
Fasteners 3024

(Qr5) Product Category with the most profit through 2014-2017.

SELECT sub_category, ROUND(SUM(profit)) AS profit
    FROM sales
    GROUP BY sub_category
    ORDER BY profit DESC;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
sub_category profit
Copiers 55618
Phones 44516
Accessories 41937
Paper 34054
Binders 30222
Chairs 26590
Storage 21279
Appliances 18138
Furnishings 13059
Envelopes 6964
Art 6528
Labels 5546
Machines 3385
Fasteners 950
Supplies -1189
Bookcases -3473
Tables -17725

(17 rows)

(Qr6) Year with the most sales through 2014-2017.

SELECT year, ROUND(SUM(sales)) AS sales
    FROM sales
    GROUP BY year
    ORDER BY sales DESC;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
year sales
2017 733,215
2016 609,206
2014 484,247
2015 470,533

(4 rows)

(Qr7) Trends in Sales and Profit by consumer Segment....

In sales analysis, understanding trends in sales and profit by consumer segment is critical for businesses to make informed decisions and optimize their marketing strategies. Analyzing sales and profit data by consumer segments helps identify patterns, preferences, and behaviors among different customer groups, leading to more targeted and effective sales initiatives.

Sales analysis provides invaluable insights into trends in sales and profit by consumer segment. By understanding consumer behavior, seasonal patterns, and profitability, businesses can refine their sales strategies, optimize marketing efforts, and cater to the specific needs of different customer groups, ultimately driving growth and success.

SELECT segment, COUNT(order_id) AS total_orders,
       ROUND(SUM(SALES)) AS total_sales, ROUND(SUM(profit)) AS total_profit
FROM sales GROUP BY segment ORDER BY total_profit DESC;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
segment total_orders total_sales total_profit
Consumer 5191 1,161,401 134,119
Corporate 3020 706,146 91,979
Home Office 1783 429,653 60,299

(3 rows)

(Qr8) Trends in Sales and Profit by region....

Analyzing trends in sales and profit by region is essential for sales analysis in businesses operating in multiple locations. By understanding regional variations in sales and profitability, companies can make data-driven decisions, tailor their marketing efforts, optimize distribution strategies, and identify growth opportunities in specific geographic areas.

SELECT region, COUNT(order_id) AS total_orders,
       ROUND(SUM(SALES)) AS total_sales, ROUND(SUM(profit)) AS total_profit
FROM sales GROUP BY region ORDER BY total_profit DESC;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
region total_orders total_sales total_profit
West 3203 725,458 108,418
East 2848 678,781 91,523
South 1620 391,722 46,749
Central 2323 501,240 39,706

(4 rows)

(Qr9) What was the best month for sales in a specific year ?

What's the sales for the month?

In sales analysis, determining the best month in a specific year for sales involves identifying the month with the highest sales revenue or volume. It provides valuable insights into peak periods of customer demand and sales performance. This analysis helps businesses optimize their resources, plan promotions, and capitalize on favorable market conditions.

In addition to finding the best month, it's also essential to assess the sales performance in that month compared to the previous year or previous months of the same year. This year-over-year or month-over-month analysis can provide a deeper understanding of growth patterns and identify areas for improvement.

-- 2014
SELECT month,ROUND(SUM(sales)) AS revenue_for_2014,
       COUNT(order_id) AS total_orders, SUM(quantity) AS total_quantity_order
    FROM sales
    WHERE year = 2014
    GROUP BY month
    ORDER BY revenue_for_2014 DESC;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
month revenue_for_2014 total_orders total_quantity_order
9 81777 268 1000
11 78629 318 1219
12 69546 278 1079
3 55691 157 585
6 34595 135 521
7 33946 143 550
10 31453 159 573
4 28295 135 536
8 27909 153 609
5 23648 122 466
1 14237 79 284
2 4520 46 159

(12 rows)

-- 2015
SELECT month,ROUND(SUM(sales)) AS sales_for_2015,
       COUNT(order_id) AS total_orders, SUM(quantity) AS total_quantity_order
    FROM sales
    WHERE year = 2015
    GROUP BY month
    ORDER BY sales_for_2015 DESC;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
month sales_for_2015 total_orders total_quantity_order
11 75973 324 1310
12 74920 316 1203
9 64596 293 1086
3 38726 138 515
8 36898 159 598
4 34195 160 543
10 31405 166 631
5 30132 146 575
7 28765 140 557
6 24797 138 486
1 18174 58 236
2 11951 64 239

(12 rows)

-- 2016
SELECT month,ROUND(SUM(sales)) AS sales_for_2016,
       COUNT(order_id) AS total_orders, SUM(quantity) AS total_quantity_order
    FROM sales
    WHERE year = 2016
    GROUP BY month
    ORDER BY sales_for_2016 DESC
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
month sales_for_2015 total_orders total_quantity_order
11 75973 324 1310
12 74920 316 1203
9 64596 293 1086
3 38726 138 515
8 36898 159 598
4 34195 160 543
10 31405 166 631
5 30132 146 575
7 28765 140 557
6 24797 138 486
1 18174 58 236
2 11951 64 239

(12 rows)

-- 2017
SELECT month,ROUND(SUM(sales)) AS sales_for_2017,
       COUNT(order_id) AS total_orders, SUM(quantity) AS total_quantity_order
    FROM sales
    WHERE year = 2017
    GROUP BY month
    ORDER BY sales_for_2017 DESC;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
month sales_for_2017 total_orders total_quantity_order
11 118448 459 1840
9 87867 459 1660
12 83829 462 1723
10 77777 298 1133
8 63121 218 884
3 58872 238 885
6 52982 245 931
7 45264 226 840
5 44261 242 887
1 43971 155 597
4 36522 203 733
2 20301 107 363

(12 rows)

In conclusion, sales analysis helps businesses pinpoint the best month for sales in a specific year, enabling them to make data-driven decisions, replicate successful strategies, and leverage market opportunities effectively. Understanding the drivers behind exceptional sales performance during that month empowers businesses to optimize their sales efforts and achieve continued success.

(Qr10) Dive in through the best month to check for the best Product Category...

By conducting a deep dive into the top-selling product category during the best month of a particular year, businesses can gain valuable insights that inform future sales strategies. Understanding customer preferences, market dynamics, and the success of marketing efforts can help replicate successful tactics, optimize product offerings, and drive sustainable growth.

Top 5 best selling product category in the best month of each year.

-- 2014
SELECT month, sub_category, ROUND(SUM(sales)) AS sales_for_2014,
       ROUND(SUM(profit)) AS profit_for_2014, SUM(quantity) total_quantity_orders
       FROM sales
       WHERE year = 2014 and month = 9
       GROUP BY month, sub_category
       ORDER BY sales_for_2014 DESC;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
month sub_category sales_for_2014 profit_for_2014 total_quantity_orders
9 Machines 22420 -2626 45
9 Chairs 13849 1434 69
9 Binders 12744 5130 123
9 Storage 8810 553 92
9 Tables 4612 -176 34
-- 2015
SELECT month, sub_category, ROUND(SUM(sales)) AS sales_for_2015,
       ROUND(SUM(profit)) AS profit_for_2015,SUM(quantity) total_quantity_orders
       FROM sales
       WHERE year = 2015 and month = 11
       GROUP BY month, sub_category
       ORDER BY sales_for_2015 DESC;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
month sub_category sales_for_2015 profit_for_2015 total_quantity_orders
11 Chairs 12743 1748 90
11 Bookcases 8377 747 48
11 Phones 8176 1111 92
11 Machines 7850 3454 16
11 Storage 6716 783 112
-- 2016
SELECT month, sub_category, ROUND(SUM(sales)) AS sales_for_2016,
       ROUND(SUM(profit)) AS profit_for_2016,SUM(quantity) total_quantity_orders
       FROM sales
       WHERE year = 2016 and month = 11
       GROUP BY month, sub_category
       ORDER BY sales_for_2016 DESC;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
month sub_category sales_for_2016 profit_for_2016 total_quantity_orders
11 Chairs 13173 369 99
11 Phones 9103 1574 93
11 Tables 8778 -164 52
11 Machines 8757 -5221 33
11 Accessories 8081 1972 139
-- 2017
SELECT month, sub_category, ROUND(SUM(sales)) AS sales_for_2017,
  ROUND(SUM(profit)) AS profit_for_2017,SUM(quantity) total_quantity_orders
  FROM sales
  WHERE year = 2017 and month = 11
  GROUP BY month, sub_category
  ORDER BY sales_for_2017 DESC;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
month sub_category sales_for_2017 profit_for_2017 total_quantity_orders
11 Phones 17407 2563 175
11 Chairs 14561 954 87
11 Tables 13659 -1176 81
11 Copiers 12360 5427 8
11 Storage 11911 1384 174

(Qr11) What's the Total Sales, Profit and Quantity Sold.

SELECT ROUND(SUM(sales)) AS total_sales,
       ROUND(SUM(profit)) AS total_profit,
       ROUND(AVG(sales)) AS average_sales,
       Sum(quantity) AS total_quantity_sold
FROM sales;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
total_sales total_profit average_sales total_quantity_sold
2,297,201 286,397 230 37,873

(Qr12) RFM Analysis.

RFM analysis is a valuable marketing technique used to analyze customer behavior and segment customers based on their purchasing patterns. The acronym "RFM" stands for Recency, Frequency, and Monetary Value, which are the three key metrics used in this analysis.

  1. Recency (R): This metric measures how recently a customer made a purchase. It indicates the time elapsed since the last transaction, and customers who made recent purchases are considered more engaged and potentially more valuable.

  2. Frequency (F): This metric refers to the number of times a customer made a purchase within a specific timeframe. Customers who make frequent purchases are usually loyal and valuable to the business.

  3. Monetary Value (M): This metric represents the total monetary value of a customer's purchases within a particular period. Customers with higher monetary spending are typically more valuable to the business.

By combining these three metrics, RFM analysis categorizes customers into various segments, such as high-value, medium-value, and low-value customers. This segmentation allows businesses to tailor their marketing strategies, personalized offers, and customer retention efforts to target each customer segment more effectively.

RFM analysis is commonly used in e-commerce, retail, and various other industries to identify their most valuable customers, understand customer behavior, and improve overall marketing efforts and sales performance.

Checking for the recent order_date for each customer compare to recent_date.

-- last order
 ROUND(SUM(sales)) AS order$,
 ROUND(AVG(sales)) AS avgorder$,
 COUNT(order_id)AS  orders,
 SUM(quantity) AS quantity_order,
 MAX(order_date) AS last_order,
 (SELECT MAX(order_date) FROM sales) AS recent_date
 FROM sales
 GROUP BY customer_name
 ORDER BY quantity_order DESC;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
customer_name order$ avgorder$ orders quantity_order last_order recent_date
Jonathan Doherty 7611 238 32 150 2016-12-01 2017-12-30
William Brown 6160 166 37 146 2017-12-10 2017-12-30
John Lee 9800 288 34 143 2017-12-09 2017-12-30
Paul Prost 7253 213 34 138 2017-09-24 2017-12-30
Steven Cartwright 5226 201 26 133 2017-06-26 2017-12-30
Emily Phan 5478 177 31 124 2017-12-18 2017-12-30
Chloris Kastensmidt 3155 99 32 122 2017-11-21 2017-12-30
Cassandra Brandow 6076 234 26 122 2017-11-13 2017-12-30


(Qr13) How many days has it been a customer ordered?

-- last order day
 ROUND(SUM(sales)) AS order$,
 ROUND(AVG(sales)) AS avgorder$,
 COUNT(order_id)AS  orders,
 SUM(quantity) AS quantity_order,
 MAX(order_date) AS last_order,
 (SELECT MAX(order_date) FROM sales) AS recent_date,
 (SELECT MAX(order_date) FROM sales) - MAX(order_date) last_order_day
 FROM sales
 GROUP BY customer_name
 ORDER BY quantity_order DESC;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
customer_name order$ avgorder$ orders quantity_order last_order recent_date last_order_day
Jonathan Doherty 7611 238 32 150 2016-12-01 2017-12-30 394
William Brown 6160 166 37 146 2017-12-10 2017-12-30 20
John Lee 9800 288 34 143 2017-12-09 2017-12-30 21
Paul Prost 7253 213 34 138 2017-09-24 2017-12-30 97
Steven Cartwright 5226 201 26 133 2017-06-26 2017-12-30 187
Emily Phan 5478 177 31 124 2017-12-18 2017-12-30 12
Chloris Kastensmidt 3155 99 32 122 2017-11-21 2017-12-30 39
Cassandra Brandow 6076 234 26 122 2017-11-13 2017-12-30 47
Edward Hooks 10311 322 32 120 2017-08-17 2017-12-30 135
Matt Abelman 4299 126 34 117 2017-10-27 2017-12-30 64


(Qr14) Ranking the Recency, Frequency and Monetary value.

In sales analysis using RFM (Recency, Frequency, Monetary Value) segmentation, customers are ranked from 4 to 1 based on their RFM scores. RFM analysis categorizes customers into different segments to better understand their behavior and value. The RFM scores for each customer are calculated based on three metrics: Recency, Frequency, and Monetary Value. Here's how the ranking works:

  1. RFM Score 4: This represents the highest score and indicates the most valuable customers. Customers with an RFM score of 4 in all three categories (Recency, Frequency, and Monetary Value) are those who have made recent purchases, frequent transactions, and high-value spending. These customers are considered top-tier and represent a significant portion of a company's revenue.

  2. RFM Score 3: Customers with an RFM score of 3 in any two of the three categories are ranked as the second-highest group. This group includes customers who have either made recent and frequent purchases, frequent and high-value transactions, or recent and high-value spending. While they may not be as valuable as RFM 4 customers, they still contribute significantly to a company's success.

  3. RFM Score 2: Customers with an RFM score of 2 in two categories and any score in the third category fall into this group. For example, a customer may have made frequent purchases but not recently, or they may have made recent purchases but with a lower monetary value. This group represents average customers who could potentially be nurtured and encouraged to move up to higher RFM segments.

  4. RFM Score 1: This represents the lowest score, indicating the least valuable customers. Customers with an RFM score of 1 in all three categories (i.e., low recency, low frequency, and low monetary value) are the least engaged and contribute the least to a company's revenue. These customers may require more attention and targeted marketing efforts to increase their engagement and loyalty.

By ranking customers based on their RFM scores, businesses can tailor their marketing strategies and customer retention efforts more effectively. Targeted marketing campaigns can be directed at high RFM customers to encourage repeat purchases and build loyalty, while special promotions can be offered to low RFM customers to entice them to increase their engagement and spending. Understanding customer behavior through RFM analysis helps businesses optimize their sales and marketing efforts to drive revenue and overall business success.

     ROUND(SUM(sales)) AS order$,
     ROUND(AVG(sales)) AS avgorder$,
     COUNT(order_id)AS  orders,
     SUM(quantity) AS quantity_order,
     MAX(order_date) AS last_order,
     (SELECT MAX(order_date) FROM sales) AS recent_date,
     (SELECT MAX(order_date) FROM sales) - MAX(order_date) last_order_day
     FROM sales
     GROUP BY customer_name
rfm_calc as (
    SELECT r.*,
          NTILE(4) OVER (ORDER BY last_order_day DESC) rfm_recency,
          NTILE(4) OVER (ORDER BY order$) rfm_frequency,
          NTILE(4) OVER (ORDER BY avgorder$) rfm_monetary
    FROM rfm AS r
FROM rfm_calc AS C;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
customer_name order$ avgorder$ orders quantity_order last_order recent_date last_order_day rfm_recency rfm_frequency rfm_monetary
Nicole Brennan 274 137 2 7 2014-10-22 2017-12-30 1165 1 1 2
Georgia Rosenberg 1284 257 5 23 2014-11-21 2017-12-30 1135 1 2 3
Ricardo Emerson 48 48 1 5 2014-12-29 2017-12-30 1097 1 1 1
Craig Molinari 3984 306 13 57 2015-03-01 2017-12-30 1035 1 4 4
Valerie Takahito 1737 193 9 42 2015-04-05 2017-12-30 1000 1 2 3
Pauline Chand 1061 354 3 18 2015-08-01 2017-12-30 882 1 1 4
Andy Gerbode 1455 162 9 33 2015-09-07 2017-12-30 845 1 2 2
Peter Fuller 9063 477 19 75 2015-09-17 2017-12-30 835 1 4 4
David Philippe 1059 265 4 20 2015-10-10 2017-12-30 812 1 1 3
Craig Carroll 2854 238 12 51 2015-10-23 2017-12-30 799 1 3 3


(Qr15) Concatenating the RFM values and storing it in a different table.

-- Let's drop the table if it exist

     ROUND(SUM(sales)) AS order$,
     ROUND(AVG(sales)) AS avgorder$,
     COUNT(order_id)AS  orders,
     SUM(quantity) AS quantity_order,
     MAX(order_date) AS last_order,
     (SELECT MAX(order_date) FROM sales) AS recent_date,
     (SELECT MAX(order_date) FROM sales) - MAX(order_date) last_order_day
     FROM sales
     GROUP BY customer_name
rfm_calc as (
    SELECT rfm.*,
          NTILE(4) OVER (ORDER BY last_order_day DESC) rfm_recency,
          NTILE(4) OVER (ORDER BY order$) rfm_frequency,
          NTILE(4) OVER (ORDER BY avgorder$) rfm_monetary
    FROM rfm
     rfm_calc.*, rfm_recency + rfm_frequency + rfm_monetary AS rfm_cell,
     concat (rfm_recency,rfm_frequency,rfm_monetary) AS rfm_cell_string
    into rfm
    from rfm_calc;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


(Qr16) Checking out the new table...

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
customer_name order$ avgorder$ orders quantity_order last_order recent_date last_order_day rfm_recency rfm_frequency rfm_monetary rfm_cell rfm_cell_string
Nicole Brennan 274 137 2 7 2014-10-22 2017-12-30 1165 1 1 2 4 112
Georgia Rosenberg 1284 257 5 23 2014-11-21 2017-12-30 1135 1 2 3 6 123
Ricardo Emerson 48 48 1 5 2014-12-29 2017-12-30 1097 1 1 1 3 111
Craig Molinari 3984 306 13 57 2015-03-01 2017-12-30 1035 1 4 4 9 144
Valerie Takahito 1737 193 9 42 2015-04-05 2017-12-30 1000 1 2 3 6 123
Pauline Chand 1061 354 3 18 2015-08-01 2017-12-30 882 1 1 4 6 114
Andy Gerbode 1455 162 9 33 2015-09-07 2017-12-30 845 1 2 2 5 122
Peter Fuller 9063 477 19 75 2015-09-17 2017-12-30 835 1 4 4 9 144
David Philippe 1059 265 4 20 2015-10-10 2017-12-30 812 1 1 3 5 113
Craig Carroll 2854 238 12 51 2015-10-23 2017-12-30 799 1 3 3 7 133


(Qr17) Using the RFM ranking column to rank the customer.

SELECT customer_name,rfm_recency,rfm_frequency,rfm_monetary,
     WHEN rfm_cell_string IN('111','122','121','124','134','113','222','133','114','123','112','212','211') THEN 'lost customers'
     WHEN rfm_cell_string IN('312','322','321','223','234','223','241','143','142','244','313','144','233','213','322') THEN 'Sliping customers'
     WHEN rfm_cell_string IN('411','422','423','421','424','413','412','323','311') THEN 'new customers'
     WHEN rfm_cell_string IN('344','431','343','333','332','433','442','444','432','443','434','334') THEN 'loyal customers'
 END rfm_segment
FROM rfm;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
customer_name rfm_recency rfm_frequency rfm_monetary rfm_segment
Nicole Brennan 1 1 2 lost customers
Georgia Rosenberg 1 2 3 lost customers
Ricardo Emerson 1 1 1 lost customers
Craig Molinari 1 4 4 Sliping customers
Valerie Takahito 1 2 3 lost customers
Pauline Chand 1 1 4 lost customers
Andy Gerbode 1 2 2 lost customers
Peter Fuller 1 4 4 Sliping customers
David Philippe 1 1 3 lost customers
Craig Carroll 1 3 3 lost customers
Sam Craven 1 3 3 lost customers
Lycoris Saunders 1 1 1 lost customers
Duane Huffman 1 1 1 lost customers
Kelly Williams 1 1 1 lost customers


(Qr18) What two or more item are often sold together.

In sales analysis, the concept of "two or more products often sold together" refers to products that are frequently purchased in combination by customers. This purchasing behavior is known as product bundling or cross-selling. When customers tend to buy multiple items as a package or in conjunction with each other, it creates opportunities for businesses to capitalize on this trend and optimize their sales strategies.

Identifying which products are often sold together is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Cross-Selling Opportunities: Knowing which products are frequently purchased together allows businesses to cross-sell complementary items. By suggesting related or additional products during the purchase process, companies can increase the average transaction value and boost revenue.

  2. Targeted Marketing: Understanding product combinations that resonate with customers enables targeted marketing campaigns. Companies can tailor promotions, discounts, or product bundles based on customers' buying patterns to drive sales.

  3. Inventory Management: Recognizing products that are often sold together helps businesses manage their inventory effectively. Maintaining sufficient stock of popular product combinations ensures that customers can easily purchase these items without experiencing stockouts.

  4. Customer Satisfaction: Offering product bundles that align with customers' preferences enhances their overall shopping experience and satisfaction. Satisfied customers are more likely to return for future purchases, fostering brand loyalty.

To identify products often sold together, sales analysis involves examining transaction data, customer purchase history, and item associations. By analyzing large datasets, businesses can uncover patterns and relationships between different products, which can then inform sales strategies, marketing efforts, and inventory management decisions.

For example, a retail store may find that customers who purchase smartphones frequently buy phone cases and screen protectors as well. Armed with this knowledge, the store can bundle these items together, offer a discount on the package, and prominently display them as a recommended combination, encouraging customers to make additional purchases.

By leveraging insights from product bundling or cross-selling, businesses can optimize their sales tactics, enhance customer experience, and drive revenue growth. It allows companies to better meet customer needs, increase sales opportunities, and remain competitive in the market.

-- 2 items
(SELECT string_agg(product_id,',')
   FROM sales AS p
   WHERE order_id IN
         ( SELECT order_id FROM
                (SELECT order_id,COUNT(*) AS Num_of_ords FROM sales group by order_id) orid
          WHERE Num_of_ords = 2) AND
 p.order_id = s.order_id) AS product_id

FROM sales AS s order by product_id;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
order_id product_id
CA-2017-161200 FUR-BO-10000468,FUR-FU-10001706
CA-2015-168480 FUR-BO-10000468,OFF-AR-10001044
CA-2016-156251 FUR-BO-10001337,OFF-BI-10003529
CA-2016-152688 FUR-BO-10001337,OFF-BI-10004584
CA-2016-152156 FUR-BO-10001798,FUR-CH-10000454
CA-2017-110198 FUR-BO-10001798,OFF-LA-10004409
US-2017-132059 FUR-BO-10001811,TEC-AC-10003280
CA-2016-123337 FUR-BO-10001918,OFF-AP-10002287
US-2017-121251 FUR-BO-10001918,TEC-PH-10004896
CA-2017-167381 FUR-BO-10001972,OFF-LA-10000134


-- 3 items
(SELECT string_agg(product_id,',')
   FROM sales AS p
   WHERE order_id IN
         ( SELECT order_id FROM
                (SELECT order_id,COUNT(*) AS Num_of_ords FROM sales group by order_id) orid
          WHERE Num_of_ords = 3) AND
 p.order_id = s.order_id) product_id

FROM sales AS s order by 2;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
order_id product_id
CA-2017-140326 FUR-BO-10000112,OFF-PA-10004041,OFF-AR-10001149
CA-2017-125472 FUR-BO-10000330,OFF-BI-10000591,FUR-FU-10001731
CA-2015-130785 FUR-BO-10000330,OFF-BI-10001900,FUR-BO-10003159
CA-2014-156349 FUR-BO-10000362,TEC-PH-10000441,TEC-PH-10002726
CA-2016-157707 FUR-BO-10001567,TEC-PH-10002583,FUR-CH-10004853
CA-2017-159149 FUR-BO-10001601,OFF-AR-10000937,TEC-PH-10000038
CA-2016-123533 FUR-BO-10001619,OFF-PA-10001609,OFF-AP-10002765
CA-2015-156482 FUR-BO-10002598,FUR-CH-10001708,OFF-AR-10001022
CA-2017-143574 FUR-BO-10002598,OFF-SU-10002537,FUR-FU-10003976
CA-2017-143259 FUR-BO-10003441,TEC-PH-10004774,OFF-BI-10003684
CA-2015-105690 FUR-BO-10003965,OFF-LA-10000240,TEC-CO-10001571
CA-2016-123512 FUR-BO-10004218,OFF-LA-10000081,OFF-PA-10001497
CA-2015-147788 FUR-BO-10004357,OFF-LA-10003766,OFF-ST-10000046

Visualization (KPI Report)

KPI stands for Key Performance Indicator. It is a quantifiable metric used to evaluate the success or performance of an organization, project, or individual in achieving specific objectives. KPIs are essential in measuring progress toward goals and providing valuable insights into the effectiveness of strategies and processes.

KPIs can vary depending on the industry, department, or goals of the organization. For example, in sales, KPIs may include metrics like revenue, conversion rate, or customer acquisition cost. In customer service, KPIs could involve response time, customer satisfaction ratings, or issue resolution time.

The selection of KPIs is crucial because they act as benchmarks that help organizations make data-driven decisions. KPIs provide a clear understanding of performance trends and can highlight areas that require improvement. By regularly tracking and analyzing KPIs, businesses can identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities to optimize their operations and achieve greater success.

In this notebook, we use the analysis in the previous chapter to create visuals that are more understandable and readable i.e.

(Viz1) Check for the sales trends through the years (2014-2017).


(Viz2) Check the difference in sales by shipping mode.


(Viz3) Check for the difference in Sales and Profit by consumer segment.


(Viz4) Check for the top selling product category.


(Viz5) The KPI Dashboard.

A KPI dashboard is a visual tool that presents Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in a concise and easy-to-understand format. It provides a real-time overview of an organization's performance, helping stakeholders monitor progress and make data-driven decisions quickly.


Design and Development:
The above KPI Dashboard was designed using Tableau, a powerful data visualization tool. It incorporates essential sales metrics, such as total revenue, sales growth, conversion rate, average deal size, and customer acquisition cost. The data is extracted from the sales database and refreshed in real-time to ensure the dashboard's accuracy and up-to-date insights.

Dashboard Components:

  1. Sales Overview: This section presents an overview of total sales revenue, total profit, average sales and total quantity sold through the year 2014-2017.

  2. Sales by Region: A geographical representation of sales revenue across different regions, providing insights into regional performance and potential areas for expansion.

  3. Top Performing Products: This component displays the top-selling products based on revenue, helping sales teams identify high-value offerings and strategize product promotions.

  4. Monthly Sales Trend Chart: The chart displays monthly sales data for each year in a multi-line format, allowing for easy comparison and identification of trends. Different colors represent each year's sales performance, enabling quick identification of seasonal patterns.

This article delves into the power of sales analysis through the lens of RFM (Recency, Frequency, Monetary Value) and KPI (Key Performance Indicators). It highlights how RFM analysis allows businesses to understand customer behavior and segmentation, leading to personalized strategies and improved customer retention. The article also emphasizes the significance of KPIs in measuring sales performance, guiding decision-making, and optimizing marketing efforts. Together, RFM and KPI form a dynamic duo, empowering businesses to unlock valuable insights, enhance sales strategies, and achieve data-driven success.

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