Recently I decided to write my own habit tracker. In my project for access to the database, I opted for exposed. It’s a lightweight SQL library, which I find pretty amazing and easy to use. But at some point, I faced the need to write a bit more complex query, mainly to calculate habit streakson the database side. In that case exposed FAQ has a native SQL solution, which you can implement on top of the library. It lets you execute queries and map its result. This improvement allows you to write your queries in such a manner:
"select, from user u inner join city c where blah blah".execAndMap { rs -> | |
rs.getString("") to rs.getString("") | |
} |
What can be a real problem here is an SQL injection since the code executes the whole string as SQL statement. It doesn’t allow you to separate parameters to use them in the context of parameters, not as a SQL command. That’s why I decided to go with an old good PreparedStatement. In this tutorial, I will try to improve its use with Kotlin type system. All code is available over on GitHub, with one branch per chapter so that you can follow along.
Basic work with
Prepared Statement
- master branch here - Adding user table - userTable branch here
Adding map for
- mapResult branch here - Extract values with reflection - reflect-getValue branch here
- Extract entities with reflection - reflect-dataClass branch here
- Extract values using types - types-getValue branch here
- Query parameters - types-getValue branch here
- Conclusion
1. Basic work with Prepared Statement — master branch
Let me quickly introduce the base project. In the gradle file we have such libraries as h2database
, config4k
and exposed
for database connection and transactions. For testing purposes, we added dependencies: JUnit
and assertk
dependencies { | |
implementation(kotlin("stdlib-jdk8")) | |
implementation("io.github.config4k:config4k:$config4kVersion") | |
implementation("com.h2database:h2:1.4.198") | |
implementation("") | |
testImplementation("org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter:5.4.2") | |
testImplementation("com.willowtreeapps.assertk:assertk-jvm:0.20") | |
} |
File AppConfig.kt
loads database configs from application.conf
. TransactionManager
gets database connection and provides us with the currentTransaction
. Its method tx
allows us to run queries within a transaction.
object TransactionManager { | |
private val db: Database = | |
Database.connect(Config.db.url, Config.db.driver) | |
fun currentTransaction() = ExposedTransactionManager.current() | |
fun <T> tx(block: () -> T) = | |
transaction(db) { | |
block() | |
} | |
} |
The main focus of this tutorial is Queries
and QueriesKtTest
. There is the first version of native SQL executor:
fun String.exec(): ResultSet? = | |
with(currentTransaction().connection.prepareStatement(this)) { | |
this.executeQuery() | |
} |
Nothing fancy here. It takes currentTransaction
, creates preparedStatement
from our string and executes it.
Test for this method:
@Test | |
fun testExecSimpleQuery() { | |
tx { | |
val resultSet:ResultSet? = | |
"""SELECT 'it_works!' v FROM DUAL""".trimIndent() | |
.exec() | |
assertThat(resultSet).isNotNull() | |
resultSet!!.next() | |
assertThat(resultSet.getString("v")).isEqualTo("it_works!") | |
} | |
} |
As you can see we have to work directly with the ResultSet
, call next()
to obtain record and parse string value of the column with getString()
method. Let’s add a new table and see how it adds complexity to the code.
2. Adding user table — userTable branch
Let’s quickly introduce a new table in terms of exposed library. For this purpose we’ll add Tables.kt
object Users : IntIdTable("users", "id") { | |
val name = varchar("name", 50) | |
} |
Object Users
represents table with two columns: id: Int
, name: Varchar
. Test in this branch is more complicated. Instead of tx
method we will use a new one:
private fun tempTx(block: () -> Unit) = | |
tx { | |
createSchema() | |
block() | |
currentTransaction().rollback() | |
} | |
private fun createSchema() { | |
SchemaUtils.create(Users) | |
} |
It creates schema with our table and rollback transaction afterwards.
@Test | |
fun testExecSimpleQuery() { | |
tempTx { | |
insertUser("user1") | |
insertUser("user2") | |
val resultSet: ResultSet? = | |
"""SELECT * FROM Users""".trimIndent() | |
.exec() | |
assertThat(resultSet).isNotNull() | |
resultSet!!.next() | |
assertThat(resultSet.getString("name")).isEqualTo("user1") | | | |
assertThat(resultSet.getString("name")).isEqualTo("user2") | |
} | |
} | |
private fun insertUser(name: String = "testUserName") = Users.insert { | |
it[] = name | |
} |
The test now inserts 2 user rows into the table and reads them one after another. Let’s create map
for ResultSet
to make parsing easier.
3. Adding map for ResultSet?
— mapResult branch
This sections contains just a few tweaks. Our test lost few lines of code:
@Test | |
fun testExecSimpleQuery() { | |
tempTx { | |
insertUser("user1") | |
insertUser("user2") | |
val resultSet: List<String> = | |
"""SELECT * FROM Users""".trimIndent() | |
.exec() | |
.getValue("name") | |
assertThat(resultSet).containsOnly("user1", "user2") | |
} | |
} |
Now it directly calls getValue
fun ResultSet?.getValue(name: String): ArrayList<String> = | | { it.toValue(name) } | |
fun ResultSet.toValue(name: String): String = | |
this.getString(name) | |
fun <T> ResultSet?.map(transform: (ResultSet) -> T): ArrayList<T> { | |
val result = arrayListOf<T>() | |
this?.use { | |
while ( { | |
result += transform(this) | |
} | |
} | |
return result | |
} |
now can be found in the map method. It takes transform ResultSet
as a function. In our case, it’s the same getString
with the name of the column. Basically, getValue
maps through the result set and takes its string values.
Of course, not all our query result values are strings. Let’s use some reflection to expand the capabilities of our method.
4. Extract values with reflection — reflect-getValue branch
As soon as we don’t want to create tons of method for each type that we want to extract from the result set, we’ll use reflection.
private fun <T : Any> ResultSet.extractValue(property: KClass<T>, name: String) = | |
when (property) { | |
DateTime::class -> DateTime(getTimestamp(name)) | |
BigDecimal::class -> getBigDecimal(name) | |
Boolean::class -> getBoolean(name) | |
Double::class -> getDouble(name) | |
Float::class -> getFloat(name) | |
Int::class -> getInt(name) | |
Short::class -> getShort(name) | |
Long::class -> getLong(name) | |
String::class -> getString(name) | |
else -> getObject(name, | |
} |
Here we compare class we want to extract with some known classes. We call ::class
to obtain Kotlin classKClass<T>
value of them. In the case of a match, we call the corresponding ResultSet
The toValue
fun <T : Any> ResultSet.toValue(kClass: KClass<T>, name: String): T = | |
this.extractValue(kClass, name) as T |
Note that it also takes kClass
parameter. But we don’t want to pass directly the class value. We’ll leave this part of work to Kotlin and use its magic of inline fun
and reified
type parameteres.
inline fun <reified T : Any> ResultSet?.getValue(name: String): ArrayList<T> = | | { it.toValue(T::class, name) } |
With reified we can access the type T
and get class of it, the compiler knows the actual type used as a typed argument.
Now we call getValue
as .getValue<String>(“name”)
or getValue<Int>(“id”)
. In our case we don’t even need to change anything in our test:
val resultSet: List<String> = | |
"""SELECT * FROM Users""".trimIndent() | |
.exec() | |
.getValue("name") |
The compiler has enough information about type T
from the definition of the resultSet
Amazing! Let’s add some more reflection to be able to convert ResultSet
to data class.
5. Extract entities with reflection — reflect-dataClass branch
Let’s create data class for our Users
table in QueiesKtTest
data class User(val id: Int, val name: String) |
How can we create a class with reflection? We can obtain information about the class constructor and its parameters.
fun <T : Any> ResultSet.toDataClass(kClass: KClass<T>): T { | |
val ctor = kClass.primaryConstructor!! | |
val properties = ctor.parameters | |
val values = { this.extractValue(it.type.jvmErasure,!!) } | |
return*values.toTypedArray()) | |
} |
With the type and name of each parameter we extract values from the result set. And to create a class instance we call the constructor with all these values as vararg arguments. One more cool thing is how we determine the KClass
values of the parameters. We use reflectionjvmErasure:
Returns the KClass instance representing the runtime class to which this type is erased to on JVM.
Here are another examples of reified
usage to convert the result set to data class
inline fun <reified T : Any> ResultSet?.toEntities(): ArrayList<T> = | | { it.toEntity<T>() } | |
inline fun <reified T : Any> ResultSet.toEntity(): T = this.toDataClass(T::class) |
Note that function can be inline
only if it calls public functions. In this case, we can easily call one inline
function from another one. Here’s the updated test:
@Test | |
fun testExecSimpleQuery() { | |
tempTx { | |
insertUser("user1") | |
insertUser("user2") | |
val resultSet: List<User> = | |
"""SELECT * FROM Users""".trimIndent() | |
.exec() | |
.toEntities() | |
assertThat( { }).containsOnly("user1", "user2") | |
} | |
} |
We changed getValue(“name”)
to toEntities()
6. Extract values using types types — getValue branch
Reflection is amazing, but all its magic is in runtime. While we would rather rely on type system. Let’s try rewrite getValue
First, we need to create classes that will represent our columns with types and names:
sealed class ResultColumn<T> { | |
data class BooleanColumn(val name: String) : ResultColumn<Boolean>() | |
data class IntColumn(val name: String) : ResultColumn<Int>() | |
data class StringColumn(val name: String) : ResultColumn<String>() | |
data class UUIDColumn(val name: String) : ResultColumn<UUID>() | |
data class DoubleColumn(val name: String) : ResultColumn<Double>() | |
data class FloatColumn(val name: String) : ResultColumn<Float>() | |
data class LongColumn(val name: String) : ResultColumn<Long>() | |
data class ShortColumn(val name: String) : ResultColumn<Short>() | |
data class BigDecimalColumn(val name: String) : ResultColumn<BigDecimal>() | |
data class DateTimeColumn(val name: String) : ResultColumn<DateTime>() | |
} |
Let’s repeat extract
method in terms of these new types:
inline infix fun <reified T> ResultColumn<T>.from(res: ResultSet) = | |
when (this) { | |
is ResultColumn.BooleanColumn -> res.getBoolean(name) | |
is ResultColumn.IntColumn -> res.getInt(name) | |
is ResultColumn.StringColumn -> res.getString(name) | |
is ResultColumn.UUIDColumn -> res.getObject(name, | |
is ResultColumn.DoubleColumn -> res.getDouble(name) | |
is ResultColumn.FloatColumn -> res.getFloat(name) | |
is ResultColumn.LongColumn -> res.getLong(name) | |
is ResultColumn.ShortColumn -> res.getShort(name) | |
is ResultColumn.BigDecimalColumn -> res.getBigDecimal(name) | |
is ResultColumn.DateTimeColumn -> DateTime(res.getTimestamp(name)) | |
} as T |
While we use sealed
classes here we don’t need to use else branch, because compiler can prove that all possible cases are covered.
Here with usual inline
and reified
you can use infix
notation. All these let us write code such as: BooleanColumn(“name”) from result
Let’s create a new test and use all our result conversion functions:
data class UserData(val user: User, val rowNumber: Int) | |
@Test | |
fun testExecQuery() { | |
tempTx { | |
insertUser("user1") | |
insertUser("user2") | |
val resultSet: List<UserData> = | |
""" | |
id, | |
name, | |
row_number() over(order by id) rn | |
FROM Users | |
""".trimIndent() | |
.exec() | |
.map { result: ResultSet -> | |
UserData( | |
user = result.toEntity(), | |
rowNumber = IntColumn("rn") from result | |
) | |
} | |
assertThat( { }).containsOnly("user1", "user2") | |
assertThat( { it.rowNumber }).containsOnly(1, 2) | |
} | |
} |
These time we use row_number()
function in the query. It returns an integer value, the column name is rn
. To parse the result we can use:
IntColumn("rn") from result |
7. Query parameters — queryParameters branch
We have a couple of options to extract values from the query result. But we still have no way to provide arguments to prepared statement
. Let’s now focus on that.
As in the last chapter let’s add some more types:
sealed class Param { | |
data class BooleanParam(val value: Boolean) : Param() | |
data class IntParam(val value: Int) : Param() | |
data class StringParam(val value: String) : Param() | |
data class UUIDParam(val value: UUID) : Param() | |
data class DoubleParam(val value: Double) : Param() | |
data class FloatParam(val value: Float) : Param() | |
data class LongParam(val value: Long) : Param() | |
data class ShortParam(val value: Short) : Param() | |
} |
And match through them:
private fun PreparedStatement.setParam(param: Param, index: Int) { | |
when (param) { | |
is Param.BooleanParam -> setBoolean(index, param.value) | |
is Param.IntParam -> setInt(index, param.value) | |
is Param.StringParam -> setString(index, param.value) | |
is Param.UUIDParam -> setObject(index, param.value) | |
is Param.DoubleParam -> setDouble(index, param.value) | |
is Param.FloatParam -> setFloat(index, param.value) | |
is Param.LongParam -> setLong(index, param.value) | |
is Param.ShortParam -> setShort(index, param.value) | |
} | |
} |
As soon as we can express our parameters, we need to update exec
function to pass these values to the prepared statement
fun String.exec(vararg params: Param): ResultSet? = | |
with(currentTransaction().connection.prepareStatement(this)) { | |
params.forEachIndexed { index, param -> | |
this.setParam(param, index + 1) | |
} | |
this.executeQuery() | |
} |
For each parameter we call its prepared statement set version and also pass its index, so don’t forget to keep the order of variables.
Also we added a method to map through the result set with our previous chapter’s from function:
inline fun <reified T> ResultSet?.get(column: ResultColumn<T>) = { column from it } |
Let’s check our improvements with a new test. Let’s say we want to get all records with names that are longer than some value and contain "@"
@Test | |
fun testExecQueryWithParam() { | |
tempTx { | |
insertUser("user@") | |
insertUser("longName") | |
insertUser("longUserName@here") | |
insertUser("longUserName") | |
val resultSet: List<String> = | |
""" | |
SELECT * | |
FROM Users | |
WHERE length(name)>? and name regexp ?""".trimIndent() | |
.exec( | |
IntParam(("longName").length), | |
Param.StringParam("@") | |
) | |
.get(StringColumn("name")) | |
assertThat(resultSet).containsOnly("longUserName@here") | |
} | |
} |
In this case, we’ll have only one name as a result.
From now on, we are prepared for huge queries that we couldn’t express with exposed:
- SQL injection safe
- the result can be easily converted to our types
As a final result, we have two conversion versions. One uses the reflection. You are required only to specify your type, it does all conversion by itself, but not type-safe. The second uses specified columns, it is type-safe, but all conversion descriptions are on you.
Please, let me know which option you would prefer to use!
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