DEV Community

Khairun Nahar Nowrin
Khairun Nahar Nowrin

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Java RestAssure Maven Dockerfile


FROM maven:3.6.3-openjdk-11

# Set the working directory to the project root

# Copy the pom.xml file to the image
COPY pom.xml .

# Build the project dependencies
RUN mvn dependency:go-offline

# Copy the rest of the project source code

# Build the project
RUN mvn package

# Set the default command to run when the container starts
CMD ["java", "-jar", "target/JAVA_AUTOMATION.jar"]
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Docker Image build, Container run and Run Testcase

# Fetch the latest of running container
docker ps -l

# The docker rm command is used to remove the container. The $(...) syntax is used to execute the docker ps -l -q command and pass the output (which is the container ID of the latest container) as an argument to the docker rm command.
#This approach will delete the latest running container
docker rm $(docker ps -l -q)

#To remove a Docker image forcefully
docker rmi -f hn-automation
# Build the Docker image
docker build -t hn-automation .

# Run a new container based on the image, and Run test case command in container
docker run -it hn-automation  mvn clean test -DsuiteXmlFile=testng.xml
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