I learned a lot from your egghead's redux course especially the second one, are you planning to make more courses? also, where can I find similar advanced good practices and guides as mentioned in your second course?
I also just submitted a PR that adds a "Learning Resources" page to the Redux docs, with links to some specific suggested articles on different Redux-related topics. I hope to merge it into the Redux docs and republish them within the next couple days, at which point the new page will show up in the Redux docs at redux.js.org .
I learned a lot from your egghead's redux course especially the second one, are you planning to make more courses? also, where can I find similar advanced good practices and guides as mentioned in your second course?
I'd suggest checking out my list of suggested resources for learning Redux, and my React/Redux links list.
I also just submitted a PR that adds a "Learning Resources" page to the Redux docs, with links to some specific suggested articles on different Redux-related topics. I hope to merge it into the Redux docs and republish them within the next couple days, at which point the new page will show up in the Redux docs at redux.js.org .
I highly recommend Steve Kinney's course:
Advanced State Management in React
frontendmasters.com/courses/react-...I have a few ideas about future courses in mind but haven’t worked on materializing those. Maybe some time next year.
I don’t know about advanced materials. Maybe @markerikson has links?