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Balaji Jayakumar
Balaji Jayakumar

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One App 5 Frameworks - Chapter 1: React

With over 15,000,000 downloads on npm, React is one of the most popular frameworks out there. It was a no brainer to not have it included in the series.

Please note: I already have experience working with Angular, so I've tried to formulate these points from an angular developer's POV.

Programming paradigm

React uses a functional programming paradigm, which is different from the object-oriented programming paradigm that I used in Angular.


React hooks are functions that allow you to add state and side
effects to functional components in React. This concept took the longest time for me to understand. 

But The ability to make custom hooks and the wide variety of community-developed hooks helped me understand the importance of using them. Hooks are my favorite feature in React.

Redux / React router: 

One more thing that I realized while developing with react is how lightweight it is when compared to Angular. You don't get a lot of built-in features. Which reduces the bundle size and also gives customizability to the developer.

I used Redux for state management. But the freedom of choice is given to the developer here, a few alternatives that I considered are the built-in context APIs and Pullstate.


Checkout the application here.

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