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Variables in JavaScript

In JavasScript, variables are containers in which we can accumulate some information.

There are 3 ways of declaring the variables:

  1. var(used 1995-2015);
  2. let(created in 2015);
  3. const(created in 2015).

The differences between these three types will be discussed later.

The declaration of the variable starts from the variable type, and then we write the name of the variable we want to create;

                       let name;
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For creating the names of variables in JS, there are several rules:

  • We can use letters, numbers, underscore(_), and the dollar symbol($);

  • The name must begin with a letter; _ or $;

  • The variable names are sensitive, which means small letters(y) and capital letters(Y) are different;

  • We cannot use reserved names, such as JS keywords or variable names.

After declaring the variables, we can give some values o these variables. In JS, it is called assigning. We assign a value to the variable using the = symbol:

                   let name;
                   name = value;
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Alternatively, we assign the value immediately after creating the variable:

                let name = value; 
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The value can be:

  • number:

                let name = 42; 
  • a text, which is called string in JS, and is written in double or single quotation marks ('' or ""):

                let name = "This is a string"; 
  • a boolean value, which means that variable is eather true or false:

                let name = true;

There are some differences between var, let, and const.
One difference is whether it may or may not be redeclared. Const and let can be declared only once in the same {} or globally, while var can be redeclared as many times as we want.

                  var x = 10;
                  var x = 25;
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is going to work, but

                  let x = 10;
                  let x = 25;
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                  const x = 10;
                  const x = 25;
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are going to result in an Error.
Nevertheless, const and let can be redeclared in different {}.

Another difference is whether the variables can be used before declaring. For var, it will work out, while for let and const, they should be declared before we can use them:

                     x = x + 7;
                     var x; 
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will work while

                     x = x + 7;
                     let x; 
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                     x = x + 7;
                     const x; 
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will result in an error.

One more difference between the variable declaration types is their scope. Scope determines the **visibility **or **accessibility **of variables.

Let, and const are block scope, while var is not. This means when a variable is created with let or const inside {}, it is local, and it does not work outside of the {}, but if the variable is created by var, it is created globally. Outside of the {}, when the variables are created, they are the same because they all have global scope.

So far, we have not seen any difference between the let and const. The let can constantly be reassigned with a new value, while const is constant and does not change its value.

             const PI = 3.141592653589793;
             PI = 3.14;  
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will give an Error, but

             let number = 93;
             number = 444;
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will reassign 444 to the variable number.
However, the word constant is a little misleading. For a constant variable, we cannot reassign a constant value, array, or object, but we can change the array's elements and the object's value properties.

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