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How to Integrate Spring security to react js.

To integrate Spring Security with a React.js front-end, you will need to create a Spring Boot backend that handles the authentication and authorization of your users. Here is a high-level overview of the steps you can take:

Set up a Spring Boot project and include the Spring Security dependency. You can use the Spring Initializr tool to generate a starter project with the necessary dependencies.

Configure Spring Security to handle authentication and authorization for your application. This can be done using Java configuration or XML configuration, depending on your preference.

Create a login form in your React.js front-end and use Axios or another HTTP client library to send the login request to the Spring Boot backend.

In the backend, handle the login request by authenticating the user and returning a JSON Web Token (JWT) if the login is successful.

In the front-end, store the JWT in a secure way (such as in an HttpOnly cookie) and use it to authenticate subsequent requests to protected routes or endpoints.

Use Spring Security's built-in support for JWT authentication to verify the JWT and authorize the user's access to protected resources.

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