1. Single-Threaded, Non-Blocking Architecture
Single-Threaded: Node.js uses a single thread to handle multiple client requests.
Non-Blocking: It uses an event-driven model to handle I/O operations like reading from a database, file, or network. This means it doesn’t wait for one operation to complete before starting another.
2. Event Loop
The heart of Node.js is the event loop, which listens for events and dispatches them to the appropriate handlers (functions or callbacks).
When Node.js receives a request, it delegates tasks like file I/O, database queries, or network calls to the underlying OS or thread pool, allowing the main thread to remain free to handle new incoming requests.
3. Asynchronous I/O
Node.js is optimized for I/O-bound tasks (e.g., database queries, file reads/writes) because it doesn’t block the thread while waiting for the operation to complete.
For example
4. V8 Engine
Node.js uses Google’s V8 Engine to execute JavaScript code.
V8 compiles JavaScript to machine code, making it extremely fast.
5. Modules
Node.js has a rich ecosystem of modules (using require or ES6 import) for functionality like HTTP handling, file system operations, and database access.
Node.js is a runtime environment that allows you to run JavaScript on the server side, outside of a browser. It is built on Google Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine and is designed for building scalable and fast network applications.
How Node.js Works:
- Single-Threaded, Non-Blocking Architecture Single-Threaded: Node.js uses a single thread to handle multiple client requests. Non-Blocking: It uses an event-driven model to handle I/O operations like reading from a database, file, or network. This means it doesn’t wait for one operation to complete before starting another.
- Event Loop The heart of Node.js is the event loop, which listens for events and dispatches them to the appropriate handlers (functions or callbacks). When Node.js receives a request, it delegates tasks like file I/O, database queries, or network calls to the underlying OS or thread pool, allowing the main thread to remain free to handle new incoming requests.
- Asynchronous I/O Node.js is optimized for I/O-bound tasks (e.g., database queries, file reads/writes) because it doesn’t block the thread while waiting for the operation to complete. For example: javascript Copy code const fs = require('fs'); console.log('Start');
fs.readFile('file.txt', 'utf8', (err, data) => {
if (err) throw err;
Copy code
(Content of file.txt)
- V8 Engine Node.js uses Google’s V8 Engine to execute JavaScript code. V8 compiles JavaScript to machine code, making it extremely fast.
- Modules Node.js has a rich ecosystem of modules (using require or ES6 import) for functionality like HTTP handling, file system operations, and database access. Example: javascript Copy code const http = require('http');
const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' });
res.end('Hello, World!');
server.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('Server running on http://localhost:3000');
- NPM (Node Package Manager) Node.js includes NPM, the world’s largest package ecosystem, to install third-party libraries and tools. Example: bash Copy code npm install express
Strengths of Node.js:
Scalability: Ideal for real-time applications, such as chat apps and gaming servers.
High Performance: Handles concurrent requests efficiently using the event loop.
Cross-Platform: Can build web servers, APIs, and even desktop apps using tools like Electron.
Rich Ecosystem: Over 1 million packages are available in NPM.
Use Cases:
Real-time applications (e.g., chat apps, collaborative tools)
API backends (e.g., RESTful APIs, GraphQL)
Streaming services (e.g., Netflix, YouTube)
Single-page applications (e.g., Angular, React apps)
Server-side rendering for front-end frameworks (e.g., Next.js)
Node.js is particularly well-suited for applications requiring high concurrency and lightweight processing. However, it may not be the best fit for CPU-intensive operations due to its single-threaded nature.
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