EPIC Values (Excellence, Passion, Integrity, and Collaboration) are core values and morals that employees should go by at Andela. With these morals or ethics put in practice, an individual is able to reflect change not only to him/herself but also to everyone around them. In this post, I will share how these four affects me.
This is my favorite value in the EPIC acronym and it simply represents the output of your work and how you should prepare to go about doing it. With excellence, I aspire to give everything I have and perfect as I can anything my mind and strength are put to. As a Software Engineer, I understand that every project I work on is a reflection of who I am.
Passion as a value is a very important key because it drives a person through whatever they are undertaking no matter what challenges they face. When a person does something with passion, they do it with love and motivation which drives them to successful completion no matter what time it might take. Therefore Passion as part of the EPIC Andela values is a very good thing because it shows that whatever work one is undertaking, there is love and no backing down
Honesty and strong moral principles are the top values that can be used to define who someone really is in life, and Integrity can be defined by the two combined(quality of honesty and having strong morals). By this, I understand that by having honesty and strong moral principles I am able to gain respect from others and that I can be a trustworthy person that can be relied on.
The last but certainly not the least of Andela's core values (Collaboration), means that we can achieve great things when we are able to work together. With this in mind, the only way we can achieve this is by uplifting each other and share knowledge in case our fellows are facing difficulties that we are able to help them get out of.
I strongly believe that by believing in these four values and by putting them in practice every day, I am capable of becoming a better version of myself and I am able to reflect change to everyone around me.
Top comments (1)
I find that people who believe that their code is a reflection of who they are, are usually averse to criticism of their code as it amounts to criticism of their core.