Original Tweet From @swapnakpanda
An introduction to
➤ Database
➤ DBaaS
A beginner-friendly guide.
➊ What is Data?
Data are
❯ individual facts
❯ statistics
❯ items of information
➊.➀ Relationship with a Program and Software
All the software can be divided into two major categories.
➤ Program
➤ Data
Programs are collections of instructions that are used to manipulate data.
➊.➁ Data Categories
Data can be broadly categorized into 3 categories based on its format.
➤ Structured
➤ Unstructured
➤ Semi-Structured
➊.➁.➀ Structured Data
⬘ Structured Data aka "Quantitative Data" is the data which
❯ has a well-defined structure
❯ conforms to a data model
❯ can be easily accessed and, used
⬗ Structured data accounts for only about 20% of data.
⬙ Examples: Name, Address
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➊.➁.➁ Unstructured Data
⬘ Unstructured Data aka "Qualitative Data" is the data which
❯ does not have any predefined data model
❯ cannot be processed by conventional tools
⬗ Unstructured data accounts for about 80% of data.
⬙ Examples: Text Files, Audio/Videos
➊.➁.➂ Semi-structured Data
⬘ Semi-structured data is the “bridge” between structured and unstructured data.
⬗ It does not have a predefined data model and is more complex than structured data, yet easier to store than unstructured data.
⬙ Mostly in JSON/XML/CSV formats.
➋ What is a Database?
A database is ❝anorganizedd collection of data❞
❯ stored in a computer system so that
❯ it can be easily accessed and managed
➋.➀ Database Model
⬘ A database model is a data model that determines the logical structure of a database.
⬗ It fundamentally determines how data can be stored, organized, and manipulated.
⬙ One popular database model is the relational model, which uses a table-based format.
⬖ Other types of models include
➤ Document (JSON/XML)
➤ Key-Value
➤ Wide Column
➤ Graph
➤ Time Series
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➌ What is DBMS?
⬘ DBMS stands for Database Management System.
⬗ DBMS is the software that is used to manage a database (whereas a database is for storage).
⬙ A DBMS interacts with
❯ end users
❯ applications
❯ database
⬖ A DBMS would typically take care of
❯ AuthN & AuthZ
❯ Create, Modify, Delete Database
❯ Create, Modify, Delete Database Objects
❯ Create, Modify, Delete Data
❯ Query Data
❯ Handle transactions
➌.➀ DBMS Categories
⬘ Broadly DBMS are categorized into
➤ Relational DBMS (RDBMS)
⬗ RDBMS handles relational models and manages structured data.
⬙ NoSQL comes with various database models and manages both unstructured and semi-structured data.
➌.➁ Examples
➍ What is DBaaS?
Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) is a ❝managed cloud service model❞
that lets users and companies
❯ easily access database services
without worrying about
❯ managing software or infrastructure.
➍.➀ How does DBaaS work?
⬘ DBaaS providers host all your database infrastructure and data while enabling access through API endpoints.
⬙ The provider is responsible for
❯ Rapid Provisioning
❯ Scalability
❯ Failover
❯ Resiliency
❯ Backup
➍.➁ Examples
➤ MongoDB Atlas
➤ Amazon RDS
➤ Firestore
➤ Fauna
➤ Supabase
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