Hello, World! 👋 Today we will deal with a young (but ambitious) Fiber web framework on Go and understand that this is not "...
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@koddr , i do very much like the idea of the framework and i would love to rewrite a slow Fastify project in it, ofc i'll first have to verify the claims being made and play with it myself and maybe even become a member of the community, but i'm getting skeptical because i see @kataras comments were hidden by you, did he have something bad to say about the framework ?? in general hiding comment's is bad and it doesn't inspire confidence nor trust. why was his comment hidden ?!
Nothing wrong there, he just fixed an old bug, which he posted in the comments. That's all.
Exposed his comments, since it's so shocking to some of my readers, no problem.
Thank you, i gave the project a GitHub star already because it doesn't matter if it has some bugs, that's fixable the important thing is the idea, and i'll start trying out soon.
Based on github.com/gofiber/fiber/blob/mast... I should be able to register a route of:
app.Get("/api/values/:id", func(ctx *fiber.Ctx)
but it can't even do that.... it panicsAnyway, I fixed it with PR: github.com/gofiber/fiber/pull/28
Screenshot with my PR
Good luck to this initiative! Please inform your users that this framework does not support HTTP/2.
Gerasimos Maropoulos. Author of the Iris web framework.
Yes, framework is too young and have some trouble (its written by one man as side project... not me, but I active help to promote).
Thx for PR :D
P.S. btw, I'm really looking forward to the Iris CLI release ;)
Vic you are koddr! Oh my god good job mate I hope my projects gave you an idea about how the whole thing works, good luck and anytime you need my help you have it!
P.S I am working on it as we speak, I found the bug when I was
iris-cli benchmark
of fiber to test its performance :)Yes, my friend, it's me 🥰
Thx for this words, it's extremely important for me (really, thank you).
P.S. actually, your first commit of
Iris CLI
(yep, I seen this moment) gave me an idea for Create Go App. It's something like CRA (create-react-app), but for every Go web frameworks... ONE CLI TO RULE THEM ALL! haha 🤗P.P.S. I'm not sure, what gophers have to say, but I personally need similar all-in-one solution (both hyped frontend/backend frameworks and configured Docker containers by one CLI command)... and why not to write it by myself 😉
Why do we need prefork in Go? Isn't regular gorutines enough?
In short, prefork is done through Unix'
and it does not work on Windows hosts. You can implement preforking on any web framework, including the standard net/http. A good library (that iris uses too) is tcplisten by @valyala the creator of fasthttp and a good friend. Example code:Also, see the discussion at the fasthttp repository itself:
Preforking is making use of multiple socket listeners on OS level. We explained preforking with images in our docs fiber.wiki/application#prefork
Does prefork mean that workers are executed in different processes (not goroutines) and cannot communicate or share memory with each other?
This is correct, preforking is for specific use cases. If you work with an external database it should be no problem, because you can pool connections. You can see a good result here: techempower.com/benchmarks/#sectio...
Hey Vic,
thanks for this article! I wanted to dive into Go for a long time, this is the kick in the butt I needed :)
P.S.: My first ever Dev.to posting.
This is very cool! Glad I could move you.
How is it compared to expressJS - connections benchmarks-wise ? (i'm sure it is better, but how much better)
Plaintext responses per second
Fiber - 6,114,300/s (0 errors) 0.5ms avg latency
Express - 261,708/s (59 errors) 608.9ms avg latency
JSON responses per second
Fiber - 1,212,833/s (0 errors) 0.1ms avg latency
Express - 244,061/s (0 errors) 1.1ms avg latency
20 database queries per request
Fiber - 19,757/s (0 errors) 25.6ms avg latency
Express - 4,259/s (0 errors) 118.4ms avg latency
Keep in mind that these benchmarks are 1 month old and fiber is being updated on a daily basis. Fiber v1.8 will have better performance.
I will update this comment when techempower tested v1.8.
This is awesome, coming from a nodejs/expressjs background, will make it easy to understand and use Go. 👍