DEV Community

Komal Gilani
Komal Gilani

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Diversity and Inclusivity in the Hiring Process

Not too simple, Not too scripted, just on point , how less personal or how much formal . You are never sure what is expected of you. I feel we get lost in the process of preparation and become unaware of what to de say in the time. I wonder what if interviews could be more like discussions than stressing other person's out. While there are jobs that require high stress management but assessment performance under stress has went too far in hiring process now adays. It can negatively impact someone's abilities to outperform especially person with certain disability. How can we ensure diversity and inclusivity with assuming accomodating requests? I recently had interviews with a very reputable organzation that has no inclusivity practices in their hirirng process. I suffer from an autoimmune disease which affects my speech and cognition (brain fog) when i have high flares. I feel misunderstood or stupid at time when words get mixed or i can't evenn form a sentence. Though it is challanging but i have abilities to work and i have skills with continous passion to grow and learn. I would continue to advocate for diversity and inclusivity in workspace. I hope better days will follow.✌🏼

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