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Konstantin Semenenkov
Konstantin Semenenkov

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Implementing UI Automation Testing for Desktop Applications Dealing With Different DBMS

This article can be useful for:

  • Those who participate in UI automation testing of desktop apps. Perhaps someone will be interested in the real experience of building a testing system.
  • Someone who is making software that needs to use different relational database management systems (DBMSs).

A brief history of the topic

Just a few words about the project discussed here. This section does not contain any technical details, so it can be skipped if you're in a hurry. The only technical information in this section is the list of DBMSs related to our discussion.

The project is a number of diff and merge tools for popular relational DBMSs. Initially created for internal use in Access development, it was primarily used to compare module and form code between different versions of the same Access project. Later, a fork was made for SQL Server, using the same UI to compare schema, data, and programming stuff. Further forks were developed for MySQL, SQLite, and PostgreSQL. With tools for working with metadata from different DBMSs, a tool was created for Cross-DBMS scenarios, focusing mainly on data. Having created a tool for Cross-DBMS, I realized that it sorely lacks Oracle support. Thus, for Cross-DBMS a kernel for working with Oracle was implemented, along with a separate tool for Oracle Database.

All tools are made using Visual Studio Community Edition and utilize the .NET Framework and WPF.

About the tests

After one of the disastrous releases, where changes in one area unexpectedly broke another, it became clear that UI automation tests were necessary. Although there were unit tests for some components, they did not check the functionality of the entire application. Manually testing all the functionality of each release would be too time-consuming, and besides, humans (at least I) are lazy and can make mistakes. If it can be automated, then it should be automated. The first tests were built using the TestStack.White library. Now, since this library is no longer supported, there is a smooth migration to the FlaUI library.

It was decided to use the SpecFlow BDD framework, which conveniently describes the steps for using the application and the expected results. A typical test looks like this:

Scenario: 01 Sample data diff test
  Given [System] Set template folder to '04_DataDiff'
    And [App] Start with 'dd1;dd2' loaded
   When [HomeTab] Click on the 'left' panel summary 'Total' for 'Table definitions'
    And [ObjectList] On the 'left' panel click on 'Compare data (all records)' for 'Client'
   Then [DataDiff] 'right' panel totals is '2;0;1;1', per page '2;0;1;1'
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For each step, code is written that uses the UI automation library to check and manipulate the UI. However, over time, there was a complication with parameterized tests, where the same steps needed to be used for different cases. SpecFlow allows describing parameterized tests using Scenario Outline, where each case is described by a single row in the Examples table. Thus, for one case, we can only a set of scalar values. However, this was insufficient to describe the expected result of a complex UI consisting of multiple grids, each needing to be described by a separate table. For such tests, another approach was developed: each case is described by a row in an Excel table, with columns describing the actions and the expected UI state. Since an Excel cell can contain multiline text, a special syntax was adopted to describe multiple UI grids in one cell, for example:

[Columns (Name; Nullability)]
- id; NOT NULL
- name; NULL

[Constraints (Type; Columns)]
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From a one-dimensional list of parameters in SpecFlow, we moved to a four-dimensional set of parameters: a set of Excel cells, each containing a set of tables, with each table being a set of rows and columns. Using Excel or its alternatives is convenient as there are ready-to-use tools for viewing and editing. But there are significant drawbacks associated with the xlsx file format, such as difficulty tracking test history, comparing them, and understanding the volume of existing tests. Therefore, in the future, these scenarios are planned to be moved from Excel to some text format, most likely XML, requiring the development of a UI for editing these scenarios.

A typical test proceeds as follows:

  1. Prepare one or two database instances. Only one instance is used if the test checks the application's behavior when only one database is opened, or when the same database is compared to itself. In most cases, databases are described as scripts. For tests described using Excel, the script is assembled from spreadsheet content on the fly. For applications working with Access or SQLite, ready-made DB files are sometimes used instead of scripts. Specifically for Access, not all database objects can be created with an SQL script, even when only dealing with tables. For SQLite, ready-made files are used to perform a more complete end-to-end testing cycle, which is particularly important for protected files. Where possible:
    • Databases are created in parallel to speed up the process.
    • Database files are created on a RAM Drive, sometimes with the entire database server placed there. Using a RAM Drive not only speeds up test execution but also prolongs the life of SSDs or HDDs.
  2. The application is launched and opens the databases. If possible, and if not crucial for the test, specifying the database is done via the command line to save time clicking through database open dialogs.
  3. The test clicks through the application and checks UI elements according to the scenario steps. When the application generates and executes SQL scripts, the text of these scripts is extracted and goes to the output of the test execution console. This often helping to understand the problem without debugging the test.
  4. If the test fails, a screenshot of the application is saved.
  5. The application is closed, and the databases are deleted. In the most cases database deletion occurs in the background, saving some time. Deletion is controlled by a switch; sometimes databases are retained for further analysis and debugging. Tests for AccdbMerge also check for any non-closed Access processes, which are used by the application to process database files.

Steps 1 and 2 can take significant time. Creating one database with two tables for two different cases and launching the application once can be significantly faster than creating a database with one table twice and launching the application twice (once for each database). Therefore, some cases are combined, if possible, so that one database is created for all cases, and the application is launched only once.

DBMS-specific things

All of the listed relational DBMSs deal with tables; tables consist of columns and rows. SQL is everywhere. It would seem that I can easily take some existing test from one application and use it for another. Fortunately, sometimes this is almost possible. If a new feature is being developed, which is subsequently planned to be implemented in tools for different DBMSs, then the test for it is usually written first for SQLite, since these tests are the fastest. Often such a test and scripts for it can be reused for other products with minimal changes. But, as we know, the devil is in the details. Different data types, different database management capabilities, different SQL. As a result, the tests still have significant differences. Let's talk about them. The following will list the features for each DBMS separately, in the order these tests were created.

Microsoft Access

Possibly the biggest issue for my tests is the limited SQL in Access, both for DDL and DML. Access has Queries similar to Views in other DBMS, and there is a CREATE VIEW statement described in the documentation, but it does not work. There are many data types that cannot be used either in CREATE TABLE or INSERT. As a result, using a script, you can create a database file with tables using simple data types like numbers or strings. But for something more complex, pre-prepared mdb and accdb files often have to be used. However, even if we have prepared database templates, sometimes simply copying them is not enough. A common practice in Access development is to split the database into a backend and frontend, resulting in linked tables in the frontend that need to update their links to the backend after copying.

Another problem with interacting with Access is that it updates from time to time, causing some tests to stop working. My application stops working even though nothing has changed in it — only Access has changed. They have broken twice the availability of DAO libraries from the outside.

The most frequent support request I receive is that AccdbMerge cannot connect to Access, which is always fixed only by restoring Office, without changing anything in AccdbMerge.

SQL Server

I started my programming career in the early 2000s, and SQL Server was the first database engine I worked with. So, SQL Server is a sort of standard DBMS for me, and for a long time, all other DBMSs were learned through comparison with SQL Server.

Perhaps the most interesting result of making tests for SQL Server was some incompatibility with .NET data types:

MySQL and MariaDB

The main problem for me during my work on these tools was the frequency of new releases of these DBMSs, each new release needs to be checked for compatibility with the application. At first, this mostly concerned MariaDB; MySQL stayed on version 8.0 for a long time. However, it recently released versions 8.1 to 8.4 within a short interval.

From my experience working with different DBMSs, MySQL ranks second after Access in terms of the number of bugs. And sometimes they don't get fixed for years. One example, which in particular is one of the reasons for the differences between tests, is non-working inline foreign keys. There are a lot of questions on this topic on StackOverflow and one of them contains links to a bunch of related bugs in MySQL.


SQLite has several specific features, but the most distinctive for my tools and their tests is handling of data types. Not only can it simply be missing, but even if they are specified, by default you can easily put the value of the different data type. Fortunately, version 3.37.0 introduced the concept of STRICT tables to fix this, but it does not eliminate the need to maintain regular tables.

The compatibility between database files and library versions is admirable. However, knowing about this super-compatibility, it was doubly strange to face the end of support for one of the methods for protecting database files.


Similar to SQL Server, I did not have any significant issues with PostgreSQL. The main difficulty from a development point of view was the huge number of data types and a wide variety of types of database objects and their properties. And it was new to me to met NaN and +/- infinity values for some numeric and timestamp data types.


As mentioned earlier, before running the test, we must first create a database. For SQL Server, MySQL, and PostgreSQL, this is simply done by sending the CREATE DATABASE command to the database server. But not for Oracle. It doesn't work there. You have the database server - and that's your database. And don't ask for another one. Instead of a database, I had to create a user which is created with a new schema. Then the test interacts with objects within this schema. Since the schema name is displayed in the application as part of the table name, and this schema is different each time, special variables had to be entered and processed. For other DBMS tests, the table is referred to as TableName or dbo.TableName or public.TableName, and this is the real name of the object. But for Oracle tests, I had to write $schema.TABLENAME and then in the code replace $schema with the real name of the schema before looking for this one object on the application UI. At first, I thought that maybe I just didn’t know something about Oracle, but then I came across the source code of one of the DB Fiddles - its authors did the same thing.

Another feature of Oracle is that an empty string is always treated as NULL. Unlike any other DBMS, it is impossible to save an empty string as non-NULL.

I use Windows, and all my desktop apps work only on Windows. Another feature of working with Oracle was the need to use Docker Desktop since I could not find a Windows version for the latest versions of Oracle.


In addition to the listed differences, there are several more points that are specific to each DBMS:

  1. Case-sensitivity and quoted identifiers work differently for object names. Some DBMSs will leave the CamelCase object name as is, others will convert it to lowercase, and others to uppercase. For some DBMSs, CamelCase can be preserved if you surround the name with double quotes, but double quotes are not used by all DBMSs. MySQL and MariaDB use grave accents (`), and SQL Server (by default) and Access use square brackets ([]).
  2. Creating database objects takes time, and sometimes it can be speeded up if you wrap all statements in a transaction. However, not every DBMS supports transactions for DDL statements. Additionally, some DDL commands sometimes cannot be used together with others and must be sent to the DBMS server as a separate request.
  3. When filling tables with data, it is convenient to use multi-row INSERT statements like this:
  (ID, Name)
  (1, 'Smith'),
  (2, 'Doe')
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But this syntax is not supported by all DBMSs, or some DBMSs may not support it for all versions. In order for the test to work on all the required DBMS versions, we have to split the script into separate INSERTs.


In this article, we discussed the practical experience of building a UI automation testing system for desktop applications that interact with various relational DBMSs. The necessity of automated UI testing became evident after a release highlighted the risks of manual testing. Each DBMS presented unique challenges, from Access's limited SQL capabilities and frequent updates to Oracle's unconventional database creation requirements. The experience highlighted the importance of flexibility and adaptability in automated testing to accommodate the nuances of different DBMSs.

P. S.

According to the publishing rules, I have to note that I have used AI for title, summary and proofreading of the rest of the text. But the text itself was handwritten, including the SQL for the cover image :).


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