DEV Community

Konstantinos Blatsoukas
Konstantinos Blatsoukas

Posted on

AWS storage notes

AWS storage

Storage types: Block storage or Object storage

For frequent modifications, block storage is the proffered option

Amazon EBS (Elastic Block Store)

  • SSD or HDD backed volumes

Amazon RDS is an EBS (relational databases)

(-) attached to a specific EC2

(-) size limitations

(+) scalable, available

(+) snapshots (backups)

Amazon S3

  • is an object storage

  • not tied to an EC2

  • Amazon RDS, relational DBs, all mainstream are supported (MySQL, postgres etc.)

  • Amazon Dynamo DB (NoSQL, key-value)

  • Amazon DocumentDB (CMS, catalogs et.)

  • Amazon Nepture (graphs)

  • Amazon QLDB (immutable ledgers etc.)

Database Type | Use Cases                                                                                      | AWS Service

Relational    | Traditional applications, ERP, CRM, e-commerce                                                 | Amazon RDS, Amazon Aurora, Amazon Redshift
Key-value     | High-traffic web apps, e-commerce systems, gaming applications                                 | Amazon DynamoDB
In-memory     | Caching, session management, gaming leaderboards, geospatial applications                      | Amazon ElastiCache for Memcached, Amazon ElastiCache for Redis
Document      | Content management, catalogs, user profiles                                                    | Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility)
Wide column   | High-scale industrial apps for equipment maintenance, fleet management, and route optimization | Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra)
Graph         | Fraud detection, social networking, recommendation engines                                     | Amazon Neptune
Time series   | IoT applications, DevOps, industrial telemetry                                                 | Amazon Timestream
Ledger        | Systems of record, supply chain, registrations, banking transactions                           | Amazon QLDB

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