Pagination in USSD App as implemented in Dotnet framework.
USSD stands for Unstructured Supplementary Service Data.
Most USSD application have a character limit size depending on the network provider they usually range between 160 and 180 characters. This therefore necessitates, the developer to use shorter texts where possible where possible. This however isn't possible in all scenarios hence the need to paginate the responses. Most USSD Response are in form of JSON Strings, plaintexts and xml.
While designing a USSD API we often use state service to navigate through the menus, an example is the USSD that has this given menu
1.Welcome to the App - 1.Register -------------Please Enter Your Username-----Please Enter Your Password
2.Login ---1.Enter Pin
So that Generally is a simple example follow of a registration Process in A USSD APP,ALL those menus are saved in sttes or sessions hen to perform a pagination one would rather implement at the final respose string which won't affect the the flow of the app.
Given An example that this is the response of your USSD
CON Press Services\n Dear Customer you have successfully subscribed to our services in order for you to continue with process or decline \n 1. continue \n2. decline convert to json string
As you can see from the above we have a string with \n chacters for formatting ,to paginate the above we have to take several steps into considations
1.Ensure that we break the string to fit the character size as by the MNO
- Ensure that each subsequent string contaion the 'CON' to ensure that the interface allows for further continuity 3.Ensure that while cutting the string it does not split a word should the string fall in the word to ensure that we display full words.
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