DEV Community

Louie Aroy
Louie Aroy

Posted on

Comment per Algorithm Code Structure

When writing or building functions

First I write the name and variables of the function.

public function email_login($email, $password) {

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Then I start describing the algorithm of the function line by line every step.

public function email_login($email, $password) {
    // check if email is existing
    // if existing verify password
    // if correct password return user information
    // if not show response invalid_password
    // if email is not existing show response email_not_found
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Then I write the algorithm one by one checking if it is working in the program until the last step. And that's it I've completed building the full function.

public function email_login($email, $password) {
    // check if email is existing
    $this->db->where('email', $email);
    $query = $this->db->get('users');
    $user = $query->row_array();

    // if existing verify password
    if ($user != null) {
        // if correct password return user information
        if ($user["password"] == $password) {
            return $user;
        // if not show response invalid_password
        } else {
            return "invalid_password";
    // if not show response email_not_found
    } else {
        return "email_not_found";
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