Hi! I'm Daniel Santos. I'm particularly interested in Rust and backend development. I'm always looking to learn new things and collaborate on interesting projects
I will be taking part in a TS project.
Complete atleast one of my personal Projects.
Improving my German.
Visit my home land, India ( Now I am in Germany for work)
At the same job. Doing the same thing. Working with the same people. On the same product.
Fortunately it is a job I enjoy, and doing the thing I enjoy, with people I like working with, with a very successful product.
Even with all that goodness, there is still room for improvement.
you can't, just wait for 6 months
Employed, I hope
Good luck!
With new accommodation I hope 😁
I am a hell angels!!
I proposed to myself master java and php at the end of the year . I dont know where this will take me but i am ready
I will be taking part in a TS project.
Complete atleast one of my personal Projects.
Improving my German.
Visit my home land, India ( Now I am in Germany for work)
Full Stack Web Developer --> Full Stack Game Developer
Working as a backend developer in a startup and earning enough to live an exciting life
Over the summer of these 6 months, I'm hoping to learn more about C++ and gamedev, and hopefully create an entire game with SDL2 and C++!
I may also learn Java 🤢 for AP Computer Science as well...
Does it matter?
not really
instead of sixth i would seek myself in one month, that's enough
I see myself starting my journey as a student software developer which will be the beginning of my new life !
It's kinda sad... I always try to find new challenges and opportunities :)