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Cover image for The Ultimate Cheatsheet to Typography! 😎
Kaustubh Shinde
Kaustubh Shinde

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The Ultimate Cheatsheet to Typography! 😎

What is the most difficult things when it comes to building User interface?

Every single developer has it's own take on this question, some might tell you that Colors are the most toughest thing to decide on. Others might say Box Shadow, but deep-down we all know, nothing can be more tiresome when it comes to choosing fonts.

A great font-combination can do magic to UI

was once said by me, Kaustubh Shinde.

With that being said, do people actually know the exact trick to choose the right fonts for UI?

Well the answer is, NO!

As of now, there is no One-single way to choose the font typography combination and even if you view 100's of different YouTube Videos or read 1000's of different articless it will break your brain because every single UI Designer has their own take on typography.

What these UI Designer suggest comes from their own experience and philosophy that worth a gold.

However majority of developers who just want to get rid of the hassle of choosing typography do a much simple process.

They have a set of specific chosen font for their project and use those sets in rotation!

So keeping this in mind I came up with my own so-called Ultimate cheatsheet of choosing the right Typography.

I made a list of 43 fonts and made 100 Combinations out of these chosen fonts.

I've included the cheatsheet in my Open UI Library Project - Stack UI.

Image description

Project Link -

Go ahead and use those to build your awesome User Interface. 😁

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