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Discussion on: Do we need standup?

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Kasey Speakman • Edited

Based on my experiences so far, I would be all for the minimum meetings rule. I'd say that we follow it pretty closely in my current team. Here's why.

In smaller teams, I have found stand-up is of limited value. I've probably already talked to the person about the things we would mention in stand-up. And if they have questions for me, I'd rather them ask right away instead of saving it so they have something to mention at stand-up.

I also despise estimation (aka planning) meetings. At the end of the day, you don't really know what it will take until you get into the implementation. What does have a lot of value and might be worth a meeting is to talk through what the implementation might look like. That could also inform a rough estimate (like t-shirt size estimates). Trying to estimate down to hours is a waste of time. It is rarely accurate in my experience, so it just puts unnecessary stress on the team. (Not referring to consulting work of course, which has different constraints.)

The idea behind retrospectives is solid, but I rarely found retrospective meetings valuable. Because it usually consisted of the Scrum master trying to get people to talk who felt like they had nothing to say. It was awkward and uncomfortable. Just like with stand-up meetings, I had rather address process improvements as we discover them and skip the meeting.