DEV Community

What are your methods for regaining motivation

kuberdenis on January 02, 2021

Hey all, I am wondering how people in this area are and how are you all coping with motivation. I am constantly on ups and downs for my motivation ...
bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Here are my personal hacks:

  1. Change which sites you visit most often
  2. Meditation
  3. Stop consuming or at least consume less and create more
  4. Stop Procrastinating:
    • Get up, stretch, and do some exercises
    • Take a cold shower
    • Eat a healthy breakfast
    • Study
  5. Never give up

I recently wrote a post about it as well here:

kubeden profile image

Number 1 is definitely an interesting one. Thanks for the suggestions, Bobby!

willholmes profile image
Will Holmes

By setting up systems that you hold yourself account to i.e. one hour of coding a day, you can start to drive behaviors and discipline. Motivations comes from the action of doing something not from wanting to start it 👍

kubeden profile image


booleanhunter profile image
Ashwin Hariharan

Here's some tips that work for me. They don't necessarily help with motivation, but they do help me to continue doing my work even if I'm not motivated:

  1. Just lie down for a while, keeping your eyes closed, and letting your thoughts wander. Let your thoughts flow and keep observing them without judgement.
  2. Workout at home for at-least an hour.
  3. Go out for a walk in the morning when the sun isn't too hot. Sunlight really helps with the mood - I remember reading studies on how lack on sunlight/vitamin D can make you prone to depression.
  4. Intermittent fasting again has effects that are not necessarily physical but also emotional/mental energy state. I can't remember the exact studies though. But it has worked wonders for me
  5. Go to sleep at a fixed time and wake up at a fixed time, every day.
kubeden profile image

I have tried num. 5 a lot of times but I always seem to break the cycle. Gonna give some of these a go, again. Thanks!

booleanhunter profile image
Ashwin Hariharan

Hahah, I've struggled with 5 as well!

abel4545 profile image

Here are my personal idea's:

  1. Try to have full energy which is best for healthy issue.
  2. Understand that you are a human being
  3. You must have a believe on God tell Him your worries.
  4. Try to meditated
amhazo profile image
Antony Mhazo

Make a written list of why you do what you do, what are the things you want the most, also what you dont want to happen if you fail. Stick this up where its always visible.

kubeden profile image

Simple and famous, yet I haven’t tried that method yet. I only had a message on my old phone but I always ignored it haha.

amhazo profile image
Antony Mhazo

kkkkk, i wil try it for first time myself this year

melusik profile image
Melusi Khumalo • Edited

Personally having gone through a dip, and needed motivation, here are a couple of personal hacks.

  1. Don't give up.
  2. Take breaks often and by take a break, I mean think of anything and everything else but the actual piece of work.
  3. Get up and stretch.
  4. Breathing exercises.
  5. Read more.
  6. Take walks often.
  7. Lastly, don't give up!!!
kubeden profile image

Motivational, dude!

mydisha profile image

Keep thinking of monthly bills maybe 😆

For me :

  • Eat healthy food
  • Listen to some random musics instead of existing playlist
  • Hangout with friends or family
  • Reading books
kubeden profile image

Ah, the joy of finding a new song that you like. Superb! 🎵🎵

tamerlan_dev profile image
Tamerlan Gudabayev

To be fair, I try not to rely on motivation, just disipline.

realtoughcandy profile image

This is a tough one. A 20-minute walk works for me every time.

kubeden profile image

I am usually doing it in the morning. Eventually breaking up the routine and starting to get up 3 minutes before the daily...