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Har bir dasturlash tilida yozilgan codeni dastur sifatida ishga tushishi uchun uni mashina tiliga o'girish kerak bo'ladi.Bu jarayon Compiling deb ataladi.C# cross-platform bo'lganligi sababli dastlab code IL(Intermediate Language) tiliga o'tkaziladi.
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Keyin IL ni istalgan qurilamada .NET Runtime degan dastur ishga tushirib beradi. .NET Runtime o'z ichiga bir nechta kompanentalarni oladi.Ulardan biri JIT(Just in time)Compiler.Uning vazifasi dastur ishga tushganda IL codeni faqatgina kerakli qismini o'rnida compile qilib beradi.Bu orqali katta loyihalarda compile qilishda ko'p vaqt sarflanmaydi.
Runtimening yana bir asosiy qismi GC(Garbage Collector) deb ataladi.Buning vazifasi dastur tomonidan ishlatilib bo'lingan yoki keraksiz obyektlarni tozalab joyni sistemaga qaytarib beradi.Umuman olganda xotirani manage qilishda ishlatiladi.Bu komponentlar hammasi birlashib ya'ni (GC,JIT...) lar
CLR(Common Language Runtime) ni hosil qiladi.CLR tayyor kodni ishga tushirib beruvchi barcha qurilamalar bilan jihozlangan dastur.
C# da CLR,Kutubxonalar,Debugging qiluvchi va xatolarni aniqlovchi komponentlar birlashib .NET SDK ni tashkil qiladi.

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.NET SDK o'rnatib olingandan so'ng avtomatik ravishda CLI(Command Line Interface) dastur yuklab olinadi.Bu dastur terminal oynasida dotnet command larni bajarishda ishlatiladi.
List of dotnet CLI commands
Command Function
dotnet build Builds a .NET application.
dotnet build-server Interacts with servers started by a build.
dotnet clean Clean build outputs.
dotnet exec Runs a .NET application.
dotnet help Shows more detailed documentation online for the command.
dotnet migrate Migrates a valid Preview 2 project to a .NET Core SDK 1.0 project.
dotnet msbuild Provides access to the MSBuild command line.
dotnet new Initializes a C# or F# project for a given template.
dotnet pack Creates a NuGet package of your code.
dotnet publish Publishes a .NET framework-dependent or self-contained application.
dotnet restore Restores the dependencies for a given application.
dotnet run Runs the application from source.
dotnet sdk check Shows up-to-date status of installed SDK and Runtime versions.
dotnet sln Options to add, remove, and list projects in a solution file.
dotnet store Stores assemblies in the runtime package store.
dotnet test Runs tests using a test runner.
For more commands .NET CLI Commands

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