Public IP
- In this IP, the machine can be recognized over the internet
- The IP must be unique IP (no two machines can have the same Public IP).
- It is used to communicate between the instance and the internet.
- When we launch an instance it automatically gets assigned with a public IP from the public address pool.
Private IP
- In this IP, the machine cannot be recognized over the internet, to connect over the internet we need an internet gateway.
- It is used within the organizations.
- The IP must be unique across the private network.
- But two different organizations can have the same private IP.
- It is used to communicate between the instances in the same VPC.
Elastic IP
- When we stop an EC2 instance and again start it the public IP gets changed.
- To fix this public IP issue, we use elastic IP.
- Elastic IP keeps an IP associate permanently to the instance public IP.
- We can associate only one instance to an elastic IP at a time.
- We can associate and di-associate the elastic IP.
- We can have only 5 Elastic IPs in an account.
Note: we can increase this by asking AWS to increase with a valid reason
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