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Vivek Kurmi
Vivek Kurmi

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Composite Design Pattern in Java

Let's consider a scenario where the Composite Pattern is applied in the context of making API calls. Imagine you have an API that provides information about various entities, and you want to create a unified way to handle both individual API calls and composite API calls that involve multiple entities.

Step-by-Step Explanation:

Step 1: Define a Common Interface

// Step 1: Define a common interface for both individual API calls and composites
public interface ApiCall {
    void execute();
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Step 2: Create Concrete Classes for Individual API Calls

// Step 2: Create concrete classes for individual API calls
public class SingleEntityApiCall implements ApiCall {
    private String entity;

    public SingleEntityApiCall(String entity) {
        this.entity = entity;

    public void execute() {
        System.out.println("Executing API call for entity: " + entity);
        // Actual logic to make the API call and handle the response
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Step 3: Create a Composite Class for API Composites

// Step 3: Create a composite class for API composites
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class CompositeApiCall implements ApiCall {
    private List<ApiCall> apiCalls = new ArrayList<>();

    public void addApiCall(ApiCall apiCall) {

    public void execute() {
        System.out.println("Executing Composite API call:");
        for (ApiCall apiCall : apiCalls) {
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Step 4: Putting It All Together

// Step 4: Putting it all together in the main program
public class ApiCallExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create individual API calls
        ApiCall singleEntityCall1 = new SingleEntityApiCall("Entity1");
        ApiCall singleEntityCall2 = new SingleEntityApiCall("Entity2");

        // Create a composite API call and add individual calls
        CompositeApiCall compositeApiCall = new CompositeApiCall();

        // Execute API calls
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Executing API call for entity: Entity1
Executing API call for entity: Entity2
Executing Composite API call:
Executing API call for entity: Entity1
Executing API call for entity: Entity2
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In this example, the ApiCall interface serves as a common ground for both individual API calls (SingleEntityApiCall) and composite API calls (CompositeApiCall). The CompositeApiCall class can contain a collection of various API calls, creating a hierarchical structure. The execute method is implemented recursively, allowing you to perform API calls at different levels of the hierarchy.

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