DEV Community

Krzysztof Żuraw
Krzysztof Żuraw

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On generating social images for my blog

I recently decided to generate social images for my blog. You know those images that are being displayed by facebook or twitter when you share link on those platforms:

social card example

I want to get started and create something in finished time so I prepared a minimalistic version of banner using figma social branding template:

my social card example

When I had my design in place I started searching for solutions on how to generate social images. What I wanted is:

  • generate social card based on title of page/blog post
  • it should be fairly easy to integrate & debug
  • it should not cost me money - I’m trying stuff out now
  • it should be fun to do

After a few minutes of googling/duck ducking I distilled couple of solutions:

  • send image to image handling service (like cloudinary) and allow them to handle cache & image generation
  • fire up chromium to make screenshot and then pass it to the twitter bot
  • have one static image or generate static image per blog post & include it in e.g frontmatter

All of them have their pros & cons but I decided to use the first solution - using cloudinary. Why?

  • I wanted something simple to try out stuff preferably with caching
  • I tried firing up chromium but it took a hell a lot of time and I cant debug it locally
  • Having static images was also problematic - what if I want to change design of my social card? Everything needs to generated one more time

How it is working?


I”m using there couple of goodies from different companies:

  • netlify redirects - instead of having I have
  • netlify functions for generating cloudinary URL & then redirecting bot to image
  • cloudinary node API to generate cloudinary URL

I wrote about pros but what are downsides of using it approach? I feel like I’m hardcoding my image generation to cloudinary.



In this post I wrote about my approach to generating social images - I’ve used cloudinary + netlify functions for that job.

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