Have you ever dreamed about selling everything you owned and moving across the world to begin a new life? In this episode we’re chatting with Rachel Nabors, an American abroad on the React Core team in London. We’ll chat about the pros and cons of moving abroad as well as the logistics. Let’s get started!
Show Notes
- 01:25 Our experiences moving
- 06:44 Immigrant vs. Expat vs. Digital Nomad
- 11:04 Pros of moving abroad
- 35:21 Cons of moving abroad
- 53:57 Logistics of moving abroad
- 01:02:39 Questions to ask
- 01:07:48 Shoutouts
- Rachel's Twitter
- Animation at Work
- Lingoda
- Deepl.com
- Rosetta Stone
- DuoLingo
- Babbel
- The Culture Map
- Ali's Accountant
Here is the transcript for this week's episode.
in fact, any path in this world begins with the first step, including into the unknown, so my personal conquest of English began with the help of the course englishpapa.com/ where I learned not only English, but also understood that in principle whatever I undertake has its ultimate goal, and the main thing is to understand exactly where and what you are doing in order to achieve it))