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Lahiru Udawaththa
Lahiru Udawaththa

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Building ListView in Flutter


In this article we are investigate about Flutter ListView Buildere Material Design Flutter App,you can learn about design how easy it is to make ListViews in Flutter.


Setting up Flutter
First Steps with Flutter: Exploring widgets
First Steps with Flutter: Building layouts
First Steps with Flutter: Responding to user input

Project Setup
Start a new flutter project using Android studio or Visual studio code.
In android studio you can start new flutter project using this menu

Alt Text

In visual Studio code You can star a new project using "Command plate"
click on "view" tab and select "Command plate". and type " Flutter"
and select "Flutter_new project"

Alt Text

Enter your project name.."flutter_listview"

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Open main.dart and replace the code with the following code

And next Click on your terminal tab and Select "New terminal"
type this - 'flutter run'

Alt Text

The children of the ListView were ListTiles. A ListTile is a special widget that is preconfigured to handle the most common layouts that you would want in a ListView.

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