
Shubham Lakhara
Shubham Lakhara

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Basics of Programming - 1

Session 1

1.Thought Process to solve a problem
2.Using computer to solve problem
3.What is algorithm?
6.Add 2 number by taking input -flowchart and pseudocode
7.Find curcumference of a cirlcle -flowchart and pseudocode
8.Average of 3 number -flowchart and pseudocode
9.Check number is odd or even -flowchart and pseudocode
10.Students and Grade -- Flow chart
11.Check number is +ve -ve and Zero
12.Add N numbers from user
13.print 1 to N but only odd numbers


1.Compilation process
2.What is Programming Language?? H.W = Interpreter VS Compiler
3.First Program - NamsteWorld
3.Taking input in c++ ===> by using cin
4.Datatype and Varible? H.W = ASCII VALUE?, Explore Variable naming conventions?
6.How data is stored
7.signed vs unsigned H.W = Find range of data type
9.operators H.W = Explore Precedance Table?


  1. Conditionals
    1. if
    2. if - else
    3. if- else if - else
  2. Loops
    1. for loop - syntax ,for loop flow
  3. Patterns
    1. Solid Ractangle
    2. sqaure Ractangle
    3. Hollow Ractangle
    4. Half Pyramid
    5. Inverted Half Pyramid
    6. Numeric Half Pyramid
    7. Inverted Numeric Half Pyramid.

Basics of programming-2

Session 4

1.Full Pyramid
2.Inverted Full Pyramid
3.Solid Diamond
4.Hollow Diamod
5.Flipped Solid Diamond
6.Fancey pattern
7.Alphabet Palindorme Pyramid

Session 5

1.Numeric Full Pyramid
2.Numeric Hollow Pyramid
3.Bitwise operator | AND OR NOT XOR
4.Left and Right shift oprator
5.Pre/Post Increment/Decrement Operator
6.Break and continue keyword
7.variable scopping
8.operator precedance
9.switch case

Session 6

2.Why Function
3.Function Call Stack
4.Pass by Value Concept
5.Write a function to add 2 numbers
6.Function order
7.Find max of 3 numbers
8.Counting from 1 to N
9.Write a function for student and grade problem
10.Sum of even no. upto N


Session-7 Arrays Class-1

1.What is Array?
2.why array is needed??
3.creating an array
4.Index and access array
5.Arrays and function
6.Pass by reffernce concept
7.Linear Search in Array
8.count 0s and 1s
9.Maximum number in array
10.Print Extreme in array (Two pointer approach)
11.Reverse array

Session-8 Array Class-2

1.Dynamic array(Vector introduction)
2.Find Unique Element
3.Union of 2 Arrays
4.Intersection of two Arrays
5.Pair sum
6.Triplet sum
7.Sort 0s and 1s
8.for loop advanced

Session-9 Array Class-3

1.2D Arrays introduction
2.How 2D arrays Store in memory
3.2D array ip / op
4.Row sum print.
5.Linear Search in 2d Array
6.Get min/max in 2d Array
7.Transpose of matrix
8.Dynmic 2D array -- Vector in 2d Array



1.Linear Search Intro.
2.Binary Search.
3.Implimentation of Binary Search.
4.Time Complexity Analysis of Binary Search.
5.Binary Search in STL.
6.Apply Binary Search STL on Vector and Array.
7.Find the first Occrance of an element by binary Search.
8.First and Last Occrance STL methods Upper and Lower Bound.
9.Find the Total Occrance of an element by binary Search.
10.Peak Element in Mountain Array.


1.Find Pivot Element
2.Sqrt of a number using binary Search
3.Binary Search in 2d Matrix


1.Binary Search in nearly sorted Array
2.Divide two number using binary Search
3.Find the odd occuring in an array

Sorting & char Array & String


1.Selection Sort
2.Bubble Sort
3.Insertion Sort
4.Sort Function


  1. char Array
  2. getline function
  3. Length of String
  4. Predefine c++ length function in array
  5. Reverse String
  6. Replace all Space
  7. Palindrome
  8. Upper Case Conversion
  9. String intro
  10. String functions .length()
  11. Compare Function implement

Session 15

  1. Remove all adjecent Duplicate in String
  2. Remove all occurance of a SubString
  3. Valid palindrome 2
  4. Minimum Time Difference
  5. Palindrome Substring


Session - 1

  1. Address-of operator (&)
  2. What is Pointer?
  3. How to access pointer.
  4. Size of pointer. (64 vs 32 bit)
  5. Why Pointer?
  6. How to initialize null pointer.
  7. pointer Airthmatic operation.
  8. How to copy pointer.

Session - 2

1.Pointer in Array.

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