- Efficient algorithm for finding an item from a **sorted list**
of items
- The time complexity of the binary search algorithm is O(log n)
Breadth First Search (BFS) Algorithm
- Breadth–first search (BFS) is an algorithm for traversing or searching tree or graph data structures.
- It uses a queue.
- The time complexity of BFS traversal is O(V + E), where V and E are the total number of vertices and edges in the graph.
Depth First Search (DFS) Algorithm
- Depth–first search (DFS) is an algorithm for traversing or searching tree or graph data structures.
- It uses a stack.
- The time complexity of DFS traversal is O(V + E), where V and E are the total number of vertices and edges in the graph.
Merge Sort Algorithm
- Merge sort is an efficient sorting algorithm that produces a stable sort, which means that if two elements have the same value, they hold the same relative position in the sorted sequence as they did in the input
- Merge sort is a Divide and Conquer algorithm
- The worst case time complexity of merge sort is O(n log(n))
Quicksort Algorithm
- Quicksort is an efficient in-place sorting algorithm, which usually performs about two to three times faster than merge sort and heapsort when implemented well.
- Time complexity of Quicksort is O(n log(n)).
Kruskal’s Algorithm
- Kruskal’s Minimum Spanning Tree algorithm, a greedy algorithm to find a minimum spanning tree for a connected weighted graph.
- Kruskal's algorithm's time complexity is O(E log V), V being the number of vertices
Single-Source Shortest Path VS
All-Pairs Shortest Path
- The Single-Source Shortest Path (SSSP) problem consists of finding the shortest paths between a given vertex v and all other vertices in the graph.
- The All-Pairs Shortest Path(APSP) problem is the determination of the shortest graph distances between every pair of vertices in a given graph
Floyd Warshall Algorithm
- The Floyd Warshall Algorithm is for solving the All Pairs Shortest Path problem. The problem is to find shortest distances between every pair of vertices in a given edge weighted directed Graph.
- The Floyd-Warshall all-pairs shortest path runs in O(n^3) time.
Dijkstra’s Algorithm
- Dijkstra's algorithm is the iterative algorithmic process to provide us with the shortest path from one specific starting node to all other nodes of a graph
- Time Complexity of Dijkstra's Algorithm is O(V^2)
Kadane’s Algorithm
- Simply putting for writing a logic to find the sum of contiguous subarray within a one-dimensional array of numbers that has the largest sum, we use Kadane’s Algorithm.
Lee Algorithm
- The Lee algorithm is one possible solution for maze routing problems based on breadth-first search.
- It always gives an optimal solution, if one exists, but is slow and requires considerable memory
Floyd’s Cycle Detection Algorithm
As the name it self states, Floyd's Cycle detection algorithm or Hair Tortoise algorithm is used to detect if there is a cycle in a linked list
Union Find Algorithm
- Recap Dis Joint Data Structure.
- A union-find algorithm is an algorithm that performs two useful operations find and union.
- Find: Determine which subset a particular element is in.
- Union: Join two subsets into a single subset.
KMP Algorithm
- The Knuth–Morris–Pratt string-searching algorithm (or KMP algorithm) searches for occurrences of a "word" W within a main "text string" S.
- It is a Pattern Matching Algorithm
Sorting Algorithms
- A Sorting Algorithm is used to rearrange a given array or list elements according to a comparison operator on the elements.
- Examples
1. Insertion Sort Algorithm
2. Selection Sort Algorithm
3. Counting Sort Algorithm
4. Heap Sort Algorithm
Euclid’s Algorithm
- Efficient algorithm for computing the greatest common divisor (GCD)
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