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Nazneenahmad for LambdaTest

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Test Scenario vs Test Case: Core Differences

Test scenario and test case are the two commonly used terms in the software testing domain. These terms are regarded as the building block of testing and are used to describe the test while executing them. However, it might create confusion for some due to its overlapping nature. In simpler terminology, the test scenarios are retrieved from use cases, while the test cases are derived from the test scenario.

Both test scenarios and test cases are the critical components of software testing, and each has a distinct purpose in quality assessment. Being in the software industry, having clear concepts of these and knowing their key differences is imperative.

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Hence, the primary purpose of this tutorial on test scenario vs test case is to have an in-depth discussion on the key difference between test scenarios and test cases. This guide on test case vs test scenario will also highlight their definition, advantage, examples, best practices, and others.

What is the Test Scenario?

A test scenario is a concise document that provides a brief overview of the software’s complete functionality, primarily from an end-user perspective. Its purpose is to replicate real-life situations that users may encounter while using the software application.

This document focuses on identifying what needs to be tested, enabling testing teams to maintain control over the testing process. Test scenarios are easily created and updated in real-time due to their high-level actions and succinct descriptions. It can be called a test condition or test possibility. Unlike a detailed step-by-step guide, test scenarios outline testing requirements more generally.

Test scenarios predominantly exist with a strategic focus on testing objectives rather than being tied to specific procedures. Any testing team member can effortlessly access the document, quickly understand which tests have been completed, and proceed to the next scenario. They often convey the business motivation and justification for testing a particular feature. For instance, a suitable test scenario could involve “Verifying the software’s login functionality.”

Here are some key points on the test scenario:

  • A test scenario can be defined as a feature or module within the software application subject to evaluation.

  • It represents a story or situation used to test a particular use case. Test scenarios encompass multiple test cases.

  • When conducting testing of a specific scenario, testers validate and perform actions to assess how the software under test is utilized.

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Why Create Test Scenarios?

As we all know that test scenarios help show real-world applications of software applications, they are also important for building test cases that precisely target features, user paths, and backend compatibilities to ensure their effectiveness.

In this section of the test scenario vs test case tutorial, we will list several reasons why test scenarios must be created:

  • It is important to have comprehensive coverage of all the software application uses. For this, test scenarios need to be reviewed and approved by stakeholders as per business and technical interests and a representative group of end users. This approach increases the likelihood that the tests based on these scenarios will cover all possible use cases before the software application is released in the market.

  • You can estimate and organize the efforts and resources required for the software application. For example, the required effort, tools, and time will differ based on whether the scenarios cover five or ten different use cases.

  • A quick and high-level review of test scenarios is an effective way to verify sufficient test coverage. Having a clear understanding of the situations that need testing helps determine the number and type of tests required to cover those situations.

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Examples of Test Scenarios

In this section of the test scenario vs test case tutorial, let’s see the examples of test scenarios for a better understanding.

Test Scenario: User Registration Process

Objective: The primary aim is to authenticate the seamless functionality of the user registration process on a website, ensuring the successful creation of new user accounts.


  • The website is fully accessible and operational, without glitches or malfunctions.

  • The database is either empty or the specific user account being tested does not already exist.

Steps for the User Registration Test Scenario:

  1. Launch the website and proceed to the registration page.

  2. Validate the presence of all requisite fields on the registration form, including:

  • Unique Username

  • Email Address

  • Password

  • Confirm Password

  • Captcha (if applicable)

  • Terms and Conditions Checkbox (if applicable)

  1. Populate each field with valid and distinctive information:
  • Opt for a unique username that complies with the character requirements.

  • Enter a legitimate email address that has not been utilized previously.

  • Provide a robust and distinctive password.

  • Verify that the confirmed password matches the original entry.

  • Provide any additional mandatory fields, if any.

  1. Successfully submit the registration form by selecting the “Register” or “Sign Up” button.

Expected Outcomes:

  • The registration form should load impeccably without encountering any errors or issues.

  • All mandatory fields should be aptly labeled, accompanied by appropriate input validation and error messages in case of invalid data entries.

  • The registration form should strictly prohibit the utilization of duplicate usernames or email addresses, and suitable error messages should be displayed for such instances.

  • The password should remain concealed (masked) while the user inputs it.

  • Upon successfully completing the form, the user should either be redirected to a confirmation page or receive a confirmation email.

Alternative Scenarios:

Attempt to register using an existing username or email address.

  • Expected Result: The system should exhibit an appropriate error message indicating that the username or email address is already in use.

Attempt to register with an invalid email format.

  • Expected Result: The system should display an error message indicating that the email format is invalid.

Attempt to register with a weak password.

  • Expected Result: The system should display an error message specifying that the password does not meet the required strength, along with the specific criteria for a strong password.

Verification of the account confirmation process (if applicable).

  • Expected Result: If the registration process entails an email confirmation step, the user should receive an email containing a verification link. Clicking on this link should confirm the account, granting the user successful login access.

Examination of the “Terms and Conditions” checkbox behavior (if applicable).

  • Expected Result: The user should be unable to proceed with the registration process unless they accept the terms and conditions. Failure to select the checkbox should prompt the display of an error message.


  • The user account should be successfully created and securely stored in the database.

  • The user should be able to log in using the registered credentials.

In the next section of the test scenario vs test case tutorial, let’s see what benefits a test scenario provides.

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Advantages of Test Scenarios

Test scenarios have some advantages that all testers and developers should know. Here are some of those:

  • It covers the entire functionality of the software applications.

  • Test scenarios embrace adaptability, allowing for modifications as the project unfolds or new requirements emerge.

  • Testing approaches remain consistent across diverse testers and testing cycles with test scenarios.

  • Defining test scenarios based on business priorities and critical functionalities enables testers to concentrate on high-risk areas.

  • As the structure of test case design, test scenarios guide testers in crafting intricate test cases aligned with specific testing objectives.

  • It precisely defines the scope of testing, enabling testers to determine the aspects of the application to be covered in each scenario.

  • It simulates the real-user scenario as per the expectation of the end-users.

    *This Cypress automation testing tutorial will help you learn the benefits of Cypress test automation, and how to install Cypress and execute Cypress automation testing over scores of browsers and operating systems online. *

Best Practices for Creating Test Scenarios

In this section of the test scenario vs test case tutorial, we will discuss best practices for creating test scenarios aligned with those used for test case creation. Both aim to make testing easier, enhance clarity and structure, and prioritize understanding customer requirements.

  • Focus on the end-user perspective. Consider what actions the user will most likely take while using the software being tested. This crucial question forms the foundation for every test scenario.

  • Associate one test scenario with one user requirement. Simplify the process and avoid clutter by dedicating each test scenario to a single user requirement.

  • Prioritize test scenarios based on customer needs. In cases where there are numerous test scenarios to execute, especially with complex software, prioritize them according to customer priorities.

In the next section of the test scenario vs test case tutorial, let us dig into understanding the test case.

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What is the Test Case?

A test case serves as the starting point for test execution. It is a document that encompasses the necessary conditions to validate the proper functioning of software applications. These conditions include prerequisites, case names, detailed user steps, input values, expected outcome, actual outcome (after completing the test), software status (before and after tests), and final remarks.

Each test aims to verify if the website or mobile application aligns with the anticipated result described in the test case. Consequently, the test case outlines the setup and execution instructions and the desired outcome. Test cases are derived from pre-defined test scenarios and establish specific protocols to ensure adherence to particular requirements.

Here are some key points on the test cases:

  • A test case involves a predetermined series of steps to test the specific functionality of the software application.

  • The test cases include defined conditions or variables that allow you to compare actual and expected outcomes, thereby deciding if the software application aligns with the end user’s requirements.

  • Test cases help you assess whether a software application or its particular feature functions as intended.

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Why Write Test Cases?

Now that you have understood the test case, it is essential to know that we cannot skip writing test cases in software testing. Here are some common reasons:

  • All software testing starts with a test case that outlines the necessary conditions and steps to verify the accuracy of software applications.

  • It also includes input values used to trigger different functionalities or features of the application under test and obtain corresponding outputs.

  • Creating test cases is an effective method to monitor test coverage. Once all test cases are established, they should be analyzed together to ensure they cover all software requirements and features.

  • Test cases are fundamentally essential in providing structure and comprehensiveness to the software testing process.

  • They keep track of designed and executed tests and the pass/fail ratio.

  • They identify any untested features that could lead to disruptive user experiences if they were present in the production environment.

  • You can simulate real end-user scenarios.

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What Conditions Can Be Tested?

Test cases are very important for addressing all potential functionalities, performance levels, and design elements the software applications being tested aim to deliver to end users. These scenarios vary significantly, depending on the software’s target user base and the industry it serves.

Suppose an end user is performing an action. In that case, it must be tested, such as signing up, making purchases, conducting transactions, engaging in social sharing, logging out, data storage, and countless other use cases.

Furthermore, the application’s built-in features related to security, speed, and adaptability under different conditions must also undergo testing, requiring the definition of test cases for each specific circumstance. For instance, how does the app or website function when confronted with a weak Internet connection? Does it display appropriately on screens of all sizes?

In short, test cases should ideally be defined to identify and address as many technical or business flaws as possible prior to the software’s release. This is achieved by outlining test scenarios for as many real-world usage situations as feasible. Now, in the next section of this test case vs test scenario tutorial, let’s see the different types of test cases used for the above purpose.

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Type of Test Cases

In this section of the test scenario vs test case tutorial, let’s look at different types of test cases depending on the testing process being executed. Knowing this will help you define different test cases based on your testing requirement. Here are some of those:

  • Functional test cases: These test cases establish the functionality of an application’s user interface in conjunction with its backend systems, ensuring that it performs all intended actions. These tests are conducted without knowing the internal technical workings, focusing solely on how the website or app responds when users interact. These tests can be executed in each sprint as soon as a feature is developed. Test cases can be written before generating the actual code based on precise requirements.

  • UI test cases: These test cases evaluate the appearance and functionality of each user interface element to ensure it aligns with the intended design. The tests encompass aesthetic aspects such as appearance, spelling, grammar and functional aspects like broken links and redirects. Often, design teams contribute to the creation of these test cases. Additionally, ensuring cross browser compatibility falls within the scope of UI test cases.

  • Performance test cases: These test cases validate the loading speed and responsiveness of a website or application. The objective is to determine how quickly the software application responds appropriately to user actions. Performance test cases should also include tests to ensure the optimal functioning of the software, even under high user loads, including load testing, spike testing, and endurance testing.

  • Integration test cases: These test cases examine the integration and interaction between software modules or components. The focus is on assessing whether the interfaces between these components work together effectively to produce the desired results in response to user actions.

  • Usability test cases: In this type of test case, the overall usability of the application rather than specific features are analyzed. The steps included in these tests mimic how an end user would naturally approach and utilize the app, including common user paths. The main question to address is whether users can efficiently utilize all the promised features of the app.

  • Database test cases: These test cases verify the functionality of the backend systems that enable the application to operate as expected. They examine how the app’s architecture processes user requests triggered by actions such as clicking buttons, links, menu items, or design elements in the user interface.
    Naturally, database tests require testers to understand the app’s inner workings deeply. It is crucial to ensure consistent and secure data storage and usage by comprehending how data storage and usage mechanisms function.

  • Security test cases: Test cases in this category aim to verify the security of user data and transactions during and after app usage. They assess the app’s resilience against penetration attempts, breaches, hacks, and unauthorized access to protected data.

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Examples of Test Cases

In this section of the test scenario vs test case tutorial, we will understand the test case in more detail by illustrating an example. In this example, let’s create a test case for the scenario of “checking the login functionality.”

However, before you write a test case, some are some points to be considered:

  • You need to obtain a prototype of the login screen to perform the test.

  • You need to assess the functional requirement and SRS documents related to a software project.

  • You can initiate writing a test case when you get the prototype and requirement documents.

Following can be the test cases to check the functionality of the login page.

  • When a valid email id and password are entered, evaluate the behavior of the software application.

  • When an invalid email id and password are entered, evaluate the behavior of the software application.

  • When a valid email id and invalid password are entered, evaluate the behavior of the software application.

  • When an invalid email id and valid password are entered, evaluate the behavior of the software application.

  • When a sign is entered, but the email id and password are left blank, evaluate the behavior of the software application.

  • Evaluate if “Forgot your password” is functioning as per expectation.

  • When valid and invalid phone numbers/passwords are entered, evaluate the behavior of the software application.

  • When “keep me signed” is selected, evaluate the behavior of the software application.

QA team can also leverage test case templates that contain a series of test cases that need to be tested. This will help you plan and organize testing efforts, ensuring all necessary test cases are executed, and any bugs are identified and tracked.

In the next section of the test scenario vs test case tutorial, let’s see what benefits a test case provides.

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Advantages of Test Cases

The test cases offer several advantages to software testing that make it seamless and give reliability to the developed software application. Here are some of the advantages of test cases:

  • Test cases include detailed information on the crucial data related to specific features of the software application. Using such a document gives a clear path toward the test process.

  • It focuses on the testing process and clarifies the steps required for the testing efforts.

  • Using a test case, you can understand how the software application functions and how it should be.

  • It lowers the chances of missing any crucial steps in software testing.

Best Practices for Writing Test Cases

This section of the test scenario vs test case tutorial will discuss some best practices for writing test cases.

Creating test cases requires careful consideration of the test process and Software Requirement Specification (SRS) to ensure the functionality and performance of the software application. You can efficiently establish the testing process by implementing the best practice of creating test cases.

  • Emphasize simplicity: Ensure that the test cases are easy to understand and can be set up for execution quickly, without the need for testers to search for additional information.

  • Consider the end-user perspective: Consider the end-user when drafting test cases. Understand their preferences, needs, and priorities, and design test steps accordingly to assess how well the software meets their requirements.

  • Follow naming conventions: Use an established naming convention for test cases to maintain traceability in accordance with the requirements.

  • Provide detailed descriptions: Include thorough descriptions of what is being tested and the testing methodology. Also, specify the test environment, required data, and tools.

  • State assumptions and preconditions: Clearly outline all assumptions and preconditions for each specific test to provide context and ensure accurate testing.

  • Cover each step of the user path: Mention every step involved in the user’s interaction with the feature being tested, guiding the tester through the entire process.

  • Aim for reusability: Where possible, design test cases to be reusable by minimizing dependencies and conflicts that could make them interdependent rather than independent.

  • Prioritize test cases: Rank test cases based on their priority, prioritizing critical features and scenarios and ensuring they are tested first.

  • Define expected results: Clearly describe the expected outcomes of the test and how the software should appear after a particular feature has been triggered (post-conditions).

  • Run test cases across various environments: Always execute your test cases in real browsers, devices, and platforms. Therefore, ensuring your software applications work seamlessly in various real environments.

AI-powered test orchestration and execution platforms like LambdaTest allow you to perform manual and automation testing for web and mobile apps on over 3000+ real browsers, devices, and operating system combinations. It also offers a wide range of testing frameworks, like Selenium, Cypress, Playwright, and Appium, to execute test cases effectively.

Moreover, you can execute test cases on a real device cloud to test your website or mobile app in real-user conditions.

Test Scenario vs Test Case: Core Differences

In this section of the test scenario vs test case tutorial, we will explore the core differences between test scenarios and test cases.

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In this tutorial on test scenario vs test case, we discussed the key difference between test cases and test scenarios. They are the crucial component of software testing methodology and quality assurance. Test cases highlight specific test units which address particular functionality and feature of the software application. However, the test scenario is much broader, including related test cases that mimic real end-user usage and its association with the application.

The key differences between test scenario vs test case are their scope, granularity, and purpose. Test cases offer a granular, step-by-step approach to verify specific functionalities in isolation. In contrast, test scenarios focus on validating the application’s behavior across multiple test cases, mimicking real-life scenarios. By knowing the concepts, you can have good insight into the test process and ensure the quality and performance of the software application.

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