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Why (Framework) traveling will not make you happy.

Michael "lampe" Lazarski on July 09, 2019

Why (Framework) traveling will not make you happy. We all had this thought that only if we went to another country like Tokyo, Japan, for two week...
drewtownchi profile image
Drew Town

Framework traveling is another form of procrastination. You get stuck in a learning loop, chasing the new shiny, like you said.

It's one thing if you actually can't get something done with your current toolset. It's another if you see a 5% improvement in a new framework and need to start from 0 and tackle the easy parts of your project...again.

maria_michou profile image
Maria Michou

Agree 100% with you. What frustrates me even more is when we choose a framework because it is popular for a, b, c reasons but we are blind when choosing the right framework for the right job, used by the right people (people who are experienced enough to work on it AND/OR can adapt quickly)

peoray profile image
Emmanuel Raymond

Couldn't have said it better!

lampewebdev profile image
Michael "lampe" Lazarski


The thing is do you really need the (maybe) 5%?

Maybe getting things done is more important then looping through frameworks!

mandrewdarts profile image
M. Andrew Darts

Dude. Yes. This is great, I really appreciate you taking on this topic!

lampewebdev profile image
Michael "lampe" Lazarski

Glad that you like it :)

Thank you very much!

tunaxor profile image
Angel Daniel Munoz Gonzalez

Cool post! I actually like it a lot.

I never understood why people like to torture themselves that much
what I did (still do actually) was to learn one, and then follow social media of other frameworks that way I could keep up with the news but not necessarily learn the framework.
If I ever needed it on the work well...
I already knew what's the community focus and finish to learn stuff around that focus (actually you can learn a lot from the news of a framework)

wanting to know what's on the environment doesn't mean you should learn everything on the environment

Just like nature enthusiasts, you don't need to study a biology career to know a bit/read about nature, same thing with fishing, carpentry
once you need it then you can focus on the subject

lampewebdev profile image
Michael "lampe" Lazarski

Yeah, you should never stop learning!

One part for me of development (now) is to also build not just learn.

I learned (ha! pun intended) that if you only learn frameworks you will never be great because you just know the theory but actually never build anything :)

yougotwill profile image
Will G

Love this post! Good promotion for mindfulness. Also currently in Japan can confirm Matcha Tea KitKats are still a thing. The new flavour of the month is Sakura Sake. ;)

lampewebdev profile image
Michael "lampe" Lazarski

Thank you :)

We even have the Matcha Tea KitKats here in Europe now :D

christopherdosin profile image
Christopher Dosin

No matter if it's about a framework, or programming language - Knowing each framework, or programming language isn't that hard, but: Mastering one is the key. So yeah, well said. Stick with one and be a master in this framework/language and you'll be happy :)

lampewebdev profile image
Michael "lampe" Lazarski

Yeah, you need to find the right balance :)

You should not stick to flash anymore for example :D

yuetsu profile image

"...that bar with the whiskey sour cocktail to often..."


lampewebdev profile image
Michael "lampe" Lazarski

Caps lock alarm!

Grammarly premium thinks it should be to not too :D

yuetsu profile image
yuetsu • Edited

Grammarly is wrong and you should report it to them. That's why I don't use it. Keeping the "Strunk & White" book by my desk is good enough for me. You are not using a preposition, you are not going "to" a place called "often;" you are indicating you've over used drinking whiskey sour cocktails "too" often.

zerocrick profile image

Great to hear you about this topic

ghdsportsooo profile image

That was truly appreciated sir. Thank you.

igorlemosvicente profile image
Igor L.Vicente

Very good post.

lampewebdev profile image
Michael "lampe" Lazarski

Thank you very much :)

eddylazar profile image
eddyLazar • Edited

Looks like the programming is just like the real life;)

lampewebdev profile image
Michael "lampe" Lazarski

Sometimes it is harder because the computer will just say NO! ;)

iamemilkitua profile image
Emil Kitua

Well said. Thanks for sharing

lampewebdev profile image
Michael "lampe" Lazarski

Thank you for commenting :)

spukas profile image
Linas Spukas

Great post @lampewebdev . I feel gratitude for sharing it! You pulled some deep thoughts here :)

lampewebdev profile image
Michael "lampe" Lazarski

Thank you very much! Have a fantastic day!

oluchi profile image
Oluchi Orji

Your article is on point, framework has never been the problem, but skipping the language core fundamentals, design patterns and algorithms 😂 😅 .
You endup in a loop learning new shiny tools.