
Ige Olanrewaju Ogunlade
Ige Olanrewaju Ogunlade

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Common Linux Commands

In real life, deployment on service provider is not always the case. There is need to know common commands linux command for easy deployment on host machine. The list below show few that one should master.

1 Navigation:

cd: Change directory
pwd: Print working directory
ls: List directory contents
mkdir: Make a directory
rmdir: Remove an empty directory
cp: Copy files or directories
mv: Move or rename files or directories
rm: Remove files or directories
touch: Create an empty file
2. File Operations:

cat: Concatenate and display the content of files
more or less: Display contents of a file one screen at a time
head: Display the first few lines of a file
tail: Display the last few lines of a file
nano or vim or emacs: Text editors
3. File Permissions:

chmod: Change file permissions
chown: Change file owner
chgrp: Change file group
Searching and Finding:

grep: Search for patterns in files
find: Search for files and directories
locate: Find the location of files
which: Show the full path of a command
4. Networking:

ping: Check network connectivity
ifconfig or ip: Display network configuration
netstat: Display network connections and routing tables
ssh: Connect to a remote server
scp: Copy files securely between servers
5. System Information:

uname: Display system information
df: Display disk space usage
free: Display memory usage
top or htop: Display system processes
6. Package Management:

apt or apt-get: Package management tool for Debian/Ubuntu
yum or dnf: Package management tool for Red Hat/Fedora
7. Process Management:

ps: Display information about running processes
kill: Terminate a process
killall: Terminate a process by name
8. Compression and Archives:

tar: Create or extract tar archives
gzip or gunzip: Compress or decompress files using gzip
zip or unzip: Create or extract zip archives
9. Others:

echo: Print text to the terminal
date: Display the current date and time
history: Display command history
man: Display the manual page for a command
alias: Create command aliases
chmod: Change file permissions

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