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Lars Roettig
Lars Roettig

Posted on • Originally published at on

How to create a GraphQL Mutation Endpoint for Magento 2.3

In my last Magento 2 tutorial, I showed how to build a basic GraphQL module with filtering.The primary purpose of GraphQL is to retrieve data (query), but every complete data exchange format needs a way to change server-based data (mutations).Therefore I want to show now how we can change data or create new pickup stores via the frontend.

Currently, the Magento 2 GraphQL Endpoint supports only access controls based on customers. This GraphQL will only allow a queryon the customer data if the customer’s token must proived in the header section.

Since I would like to show only exemplarily how such a thing could look, I did without access control!

Before we can start here, you can find the first module that we need ground for this tutorial.

How to create a GraphQL Endpoint for Magento 2.3

Github Repo

Create a new php file app/code/LarsRoettig/GraphQLStorePickup/Model/Resolver/CreatPickUpStore.php

This Class holds the logic for that endpoint is responsible for any GraphQL call that creates a new pickup store in the Database.Every Resolver Class is forced to implements Magento\Framework\GraphQl\Query\ResolverInterface to work correctly.



namespace LarsRoettig\GraphQLStorePickup\Model\Resolver;

use LarsRoettig\GraphQLStorePickup\Model\CreatePickUpStore as CreatPickUpStoreService;
use Magento\Framework\GraphQl\Config\Element\Field;
use Magento\Framework\GraphQl\Exception\GraphQlInputException;
use Magento\Framework\GraphQl\Query\ResolverInterface;
use Magento\Framework\GraphQl\Schema\Type\ResolveInfo;

class CreatPickUpStore implements ResolverInterface
     * @var CreatPickUpStoreService
    private $creatPickUpStore;

     * @param CreatPickUpStore $creatPickUpStore
    public function __construct(CreatPickUpStoreService $creatPickUpStore)
        $this->creatPickUpStore = $creatPickUpStore;

     * @inheritDoc
    public function resolve(Field $field, $context, ResolveInfo $info, array $value = null, array $args = null)
        if (empty($args['input']) || !is_array($args['input'])) {
            throw new GraphQlInputException(__('"input" value should be specified'));

        return ['pick_up_store' => $this->creatPickUpStore->execute($args['input'])];

File app/code/LarsRoettig/GraphQLStorePickup/Model/CreatePickUpStore.php:

The second step is to create a service class that will convert a given array to a pickup store and saves them in the database.A service class help us to have single small bussiness logic that can be used by differnt other php services.


namespace LarsRoettig\GraphQLStorePickup\Model;

use LarsRoettig\GraphQLStorePickup\Api\Data\StoreInterface;
use LarsRoettig\GraphQLStorePickup\Api\Data\StoreInterfaceFactory;
use LarsRoettig\GraphQLStorePickup\Api\StoreRepositoryInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Api\DataObjectHelper;
use Magento\Framework\Exception\CouldNotSaveException;
use Magento\Framework\Exception\LocalizedException;
use Magento\Framework\GraphQl\Exception\GraphQlInputException;

class CreatePickUpStore

     * @var DataObjectHelper
    private $dataObjectHelper;
     * @var StoreRepositoryInterface
    private $storeRepository;
     * @var StoreInterfaceFactory
    private $storeFactory;

     * @param DataObjectHelper $dataObjectHelper
     * @param StoreRepositoryInterface $storeRepository
     * @param StoreInterfaceFactory $storeInterfaceFactory
    public function __construct(
        DataObjectHelper $dataObjectHelper,
        StoreRepositoryInterface $storeRepository,
        StoreInterfaceFactory $storeInterfaceFactory
    ) {
        $this->dataObjectHelper = $dataObjectHelper;
        $this->storeRepository = $storeRepository;
        $this->storeFactory = $storeInterfaceFactory;

     * @param array $data
     * @return StoreInterface
     * @throws GraphQlInputException
    public function execute(array $data): StoreInterface
        try {
            $store = $this->saveStore($this->createStore($data));
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            throw new GraphQlInputException(__($e->getMessage()));

        return $store;

     * Guard function to handle bad request.
     * @param array $data
     * @throws LocalizedException
    private function vaildateData(array $data)
        if (!isset($data[StoreInterface::NAME])) {
            throw new LocalizedException(__('Name must be set'));

     * Persists the given store in the data base.
     * +
     * @param StoreInterface $store
     * @return StoreInterface
     * @throws CouldNotSaveException
    private function saveStore(StoreInterface $store): StoreInterface

        return $store;

     * Create a store dto by given data array.
     * @param array $data
     * @return StoreInterface
     * @throws CouldNotSaveException
    private function createStore(array $data): StoreInterface
        /** @var StoreInterface $store */
        $store = $this->storeFactory->create();

        return $store;

File app/code/LarsRoettig/GraphQLStorePickup/etc/schema.graphqls

This need to be added to the file:

type Mutation {
    createPickUpStores(input: PickUpStoreInput!): PickUpStoreOutput @resolver(class: "\\LarsRoettig\\GraphQLStorePickup\\Model\\Resolver\\CreatPickUpStore") @doc(description: "Create a new pickup store")

type PickUpStoreOutput {
    pick_up_store: PickUpStore!

input PickUpStoreInput {
    name: String @doc(description: "")
    street: String @doc(description: "")
    street_num: Int @doc(description: "")
    city: String @doc(description: "")
    postcode: String @doc(description: "")
    latitude:Float @doc(description: "")
    longitude: Float @doc(description: "")

Full File:

type Query {
        filter: PickUpStoresFilterInput @doc(description: "")
        pageSize: Int = 5 @doc(description: "How many items should show on the page")
        currentPage: Int = 1 @doc(description: "Allows to ussing paging it start with 1")
    ):PickUpStoresOutput @resolver(class: "\\LarsRoettig\\GraphQLStorePickup\\Model\\Resolver\\PickUpStores") @doc(description: "Allow to query for a pickup store.")

type Mutation {
    createPickUpStores(input: PickUpStoreInput!): PickUpStoreOutput @resolver(class: "\\LarsRoettig\\GraphQLStorePickup\\Model\\Resolver\\CreatPickUpStore") @doc(description: "Create a new pickup store")

type PickUpStoreOutput {
    pick_up_store: PickUpStore!

input PickUpStoreInput {
    name: String @doc(description: "")
    street: String @doc(description: "")
    street_num: Int @doc(description: "")
    city: String @doc(description: "")
    postcode: String @doc(description: "")
    latitude:Float @doc(description: "")
    longitude: Float @doc(description: "")

input PickUpStoresFilterInput {
    name: FilterTypeInput @doc(description: "")
    postcode: FilterTypeInput @doc(description: ""),
    street: FilterTypeInput @doc(description: ""),
    street_num: FilterTypeInput @doc(description: ""),
    city: FilterTypeInput @doc(description: ""),
    latitude:FilterTypeInput @doc(description: ""),
    longitude: FilterTypeInput @doc(description: ""),
    or: PickUpStoresFilterInput

type PickUpStoresOutput {
    total_count: Int @doc(description: "")
    items: [PickUpStore] @doc(description: "")

type PickUpStore {
    entity_id: Int @doc(description: ""),
    name: String @doc(description: ""),
    street: String @doc(description: ""),
    street_num: Int @doc(description: ""),
    city: String @doc(description: ""),
    postcode: String @doc(description: ""),
    latitude:Float @doc(description: ""),
    longitude: Float @doc(description: ""),

3. Installation:

bin/magento module:enable LarsRoettig_GraphQLStorePickup
bin/magento setup:db-declaration:generate-whitelist --module-name=LarsRoettig_GraphQLStorePickup
bin/magento setup:upgrade

The repo bramch can founded at Github:

How to call your GraphQL Endpoint

Attention the Url https://your\_domain.test/graphql work only with an valid GraphQL-Request!

GrapQL Mutation


mutation {
    input: {
      name: "Mustation Store"
      street: "sweswq"
      street_num: 12
      postcode: "83059"
      latitude: 22.3
    pick_up_store {

(This article was posted to my blog at You can read it online by clicking here.)

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