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Laszlo Czirok
Laszlo Czirok

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AWS exam history

I passed my last AWS exam almost a month ago. Of course, I left the easiest one for the end; it was lovely 😀

Thirteen exams, two years, and endless nights and weekends of revision — it is worth pausing momentarily, reflecting, and answering the inevitable questions.

Was it worth it? The answer is clearly yes. I have been using the cloud, with Azure and AWS, for years. If you want to be good at what you do, if you want to absorb a lot, if you're going to see through this vast field, you have to learn anyway, and then you should measure your skills. It's no different in any other field. (I should note that I've only taken exams in ITIL more than that).

Was it difficult? What is a good strategy? There are more accessible and more challenging exams. There are recommended routes to what to take after what. And, of course, there are common areas in the exam material. But it's best if you have to do something for your job anyway, then you go deeper into it and try to pass it.

What next? AWS exams are valid for three years, and the certificates you can obtain may change over time. This year, for example, three exams have been retired, and three new ones have been released. The cloud (and, of course, IT itself) is a constantly evolving field. We need to keep learning to be the best we can be.

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