DEV Community


Resumes and Cover Letters with Chloe Condon

Chloe Condon is a Senior Developer Relations Engineer, previously working at Microsoft,, and Codefresh

Before entering tech, she got a degree in Drama from San Francisco State University and worked in the Bay Area as a musical theatre actress, while working 9-5 in various admin roles. She's worked in tech in roles ranging from video game customer support, virtual assistant, office manager, executive assistant, and recruiting. A Hackbright graduate and mentor to many non-traditional background folks in tech, she's passionate about bringing more artists into tech and more tech into the arts. 

Show Notes:

This season, we’re helping you level up your interviewing skills! Each week Lauren Lee, Danny Ramos, and industry experts will offer advice on navigating career progression within tech.

Do you have ideas about how we can make our show better? Or would you like to be a guest on an upcoming episode? Reach out to our #devrel team at We would LOVE to hear from you with any questions, curiosities, and/or feedback you have in hopes of making this the best show possible!

πŸ‘‰ Give us a follow: @LaunchiesShow

Topics Covered On This Episode: 

  • Objective Statement: Write or leave out? 
  • Make Your Resume Pop 
  • Resume No-Nos 
  • Getting Personal
  • Playing The Algorithm Game: Is listing every tech keyword I can think of in hopes of making it past a machine learning screen a good idea? 
  • Getting Feedback 
  • Including Non-Tech Work
  • Keeping Things Up-To-Date 

CTA (Call To Action):

  1. Write a hook for your cover letter that grabs the attention of the recruiter and/or hiring manager.
  2. What is the most important feedback you’ve received on your resume?
  3. Join the New Relic Community Slack!

πŸ‘‰ Follow Launchies, Lauren, and Danny on Twitter! 

🚨 FutureStack 2022 call for papers is now open! 🚨

Sign up to share your successes and learnings in a hands-on lab, workshop, or deep-dive session to help your peers advance their observability game.

Episode source