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Monaco Editor + Svelte Kit

Lawrence Chen on May 07, 2021

Here's the gist: <script lang="ts"> import type monaco from 'monaco-editor'; import { onMount } from 'svelte'; import editorWo...
dan1ve profile image

As it turned out, the code snippet of the original post (and the official documentation) causes subtle bugs Firefox (e.g. the highlighting in monaco's diff editor did not work).
I think this happens because Firefox needs an explicit type: module for registering the worker, otherwise an error happens: import declarations may only appear at top level of a module

Here is the version that works in Chrome + Firefox. Maybe you want to update your post accordingly, @lawrencecchen ?

onMount(async () => {
        // @ts-ignore
        self.MonacoEnvironment = {
            getWorker: function (workerId: string, label: string) {
                const getWorkerModule = (moduleUrl: string, label: string): Worker => {
                    // @ts-ignore
                    return new Worker(self.MonacoEnvironment.getWorkerUrl(moduleUrl), {
                        name: label,
                        type: 'module'

                switch (label) {
                    case 'json':
                        return getWorkerModule('/monaco-editor/esm/vs/language/json/json.worker?worker', label);
                    case 'css':
                    case 'scss':
                    case 'less':
                        return getWorkerModule('/monaco-editor/esm/vs/language/css/css.worker?worker', label);
                    case 'html':
                    case 'handlebars':
                    case 'razor':
                        return getWorkerModule('/monaco-editor/esm/vs/language/html/html.worker?worker', label);
                    case 'typescript':
                    case 'javascript':
                        return getWorkerModule(
                        return getWorkerModule('/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.worker?worker', label);

        Monaco = await import('monaco-editor');
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In addition, setting let Monaco: typeof monaco; will help TypeScript to figure stuff out ;-)

enoy profile image

Thanks for pointing that out @dan1ve

I get the following warning in firefox:
self.MonacoEnvironment.getWorkerUrl is not a function

Do you know the solution to this?

dan1ve profile image
Daniel Veihelmann

In the meantime, I used the monaco-loader library, which does the heavy lifting for us, and works best.

Blog post coming tomorrow (I'll link it here)

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dan1ve profile image

No blog post yet, but here is the gist:

<script lang="ts">
    import loader from '@monaco-editor/loader';
    import { onDestroy, onMount } from 'svelte';
    import type * as Monaco from 'monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.api';

    let editor: Monaco.editor.IStandaloneCodeEditor;
    let monaco: typeof Monaco;
    let editorContainer: HTMLElement;

    onMount(async () => {

        // Remove this line to load the monaco editor from a CDN
        // see
        loader.config({ paths: { vs: '/node_modules/monaco-editor/min/vs' } });

        monaco = await loader.init();

       // Sample
        const editor = monaco.editor.create(editorContainer);
        const model = monaco.editor.createModel(
            "console.log('Hello from Monaco! (the editor, not the city...)')",
            // Give monaco a hint which syntax highlighting to use

    onDestroy(() => {
        monaco?.editor.getModels().forEach((model) => model.dispose());
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enoy profile image

Works perfectly for both Firefox and Chrome @dan1ve
Thank you very much! Looking forward to read your blog article!

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dan1ve profile image

You're welcome, but please be aware that this still loads the editor from a CDN if I remember correctly. (Meaning the comment is wrong). I've been fighting with this for a while, maybe tomorrow the post is finally ready.

If you are fine with a CDN, the loader library is a good solution.

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enoy profile image
Enis • Edited

I'd be fine with a CDN, but I get a 404 after building and deploying my app:
GET - 404 -

Seems like it doesn't use a CDN.

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dan1ve profile image
Daniel Veihelmann

Did you remove the loader.config() line? (You should :)

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dan1ve profile image
Daniel Veihelmann

A blog post with a full how-to is here:

samfilip profile image
Sam Filip

I've been struggling with monaco and svelte in electron. What does the ?worker at the end of the import statement do? It's required for me to build the app buit throws and Uncaught TypeError: Relative references must start with either "/", "./", or "../". in the console and doesn't run. Thanks for any additional insight.

dan1ve profile image
Daniel Veihelmann

Nice, thanks man! I can confirm this works for me :)

donpedro profile image

This is great, thanks!

I had to add a min-height to the div so it wouldn't have a zero-height:

<div bind:this={divEl} class="h-screen" style="min-height: 300px;" />
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donpedro profile image

I just added an answer on StackOverflow which shows how to create a SvelteKit project from scratch around this code.

alexvdvalk profile image
Alex van der Valk

I wrap my on onMount function with:

if (browser) {

It usually helps with compile errors.

Is there any way to optimize this further? The compiled bundle is over 2MB.

wtho profile image

Does not work for me :(
On npm run build && npm run preview I get the error:
self is not defined