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5 Great Resources for Beginners in Coding

Do you want to learn how to code, but feel overwhelmed and don't know where to start?

Don't worry- you're not alone, and the feeling is normal! There is an overwhelming amount of information out there regarding programming, and some of it may not look very beginner-friendly.

The great thing about the internet is that there are many ways to learn new things. We have hours of resources and content at our fingertips.

Here are a few of my favorite websites that I've come across in my programming journey that have been super helpful for me to go from an Office Manager with zero coding experience to a Junior Developer.


FreeCodeCamp Logo

freeCodeCamp is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to help you learn how to code for free! Not only are the resources very beginner-friendly and comprehensive, but there are over 300+ hours worth of material per subject. With subjects like Responsive Web Design, Data Visualization, and JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures, you are bound to find something that tickles your fancy and meets your needs.

W3 Schools

W3 Schools Logo

Need a little bit of everything in a clear, coherent, and very simple manner? Me too. Forgot how to center a div? Me too. I often head over to W3 Schools for lots of fundamental HTML and CSS reviews. W3 Schools is a great resource for both beginners and non-beginners alike!


Solo Learn Logo

SoloLearn is a great resource to learn the fundamentals of your programming language of choice through multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank quizzes, as well as coding challenges along the way. There are tons of Q&As, discussions, and even a code playground to showcase your work or browse other users' work.


Udemy Logo

There are tons of courses on Udemy that are free and extremely good! I learned JavaScript fundamentals through this free video on the platform, and also can vouch for a few other paid videos.


Kaggle Logo

If you are into data science or analytics, Kaggle is the spot! There are often coding competitions that anyone can enter as well as tutorials and guides on how to start your journey into data, machine learning, and AI.

Remember that you learn what you put into each lesson. Sometimes that means we take an extra day or two to understand WHY we need so many curly braces in JavaScript. Knowledge doesn't come overnight, but we can lend each other a hand to help overcome this huge learning curve for beginning programmers!

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