DEV Community

Discussion on: Do you keep a journal?

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Leighton Darkins

I started a dev log / journal again 12 months ago. I had two requirements. First, it had to be digital first and leverage tooling I already had. And Second, journalling also had to teach me something useful.

What I landed on was this: A devlog.txt file that automatically opens in VIM when I first open my terminal for the day. The file itself lives in the root of my Google Drive folder so syncs automatically so my daily musings aren't lost.

I created a little key for myself, and every time a new task, question or thought crosses my mind I just add it to the file via VIM in the terminal.

This suits my criteria: It doesn't use any apps or other BS that isn't already on my machine. It's somewhere that I already spend a great deal of my time (iTerm), and it forces me to improve my VIM abilities.

It's supplemented by a plain notebook that I draw in while I think things through. It's very rare that those drawings are ever useful beyond the thought process, so I don't persist them.