DEV Community

Discussion on: How to `useDeno` in a React Component?

leob profile image
leob • Edited

Impressive! Do you consider it "production ready" at this stage?

Well, no Webpack needed, that's pretty revolutionary ... but on the client side it requires a "modern" browser that supports ES6 and import natively, right?

Any idea what percentage of users would be excluded by that requirement (based on market share of the various browsers)? Although I saw that you'd use a polyfill for that.

And how "compatible" is this with Next.js, how easy would it be to port a Next.js app to Aleph.js?

ije profile image
X. • Edited
  • sorry not production ready for now i think, still working on it. but you can give it a try.
  • for older browsers like IE 11, we are considering using system.js instead of esm
  • we don't have a plan to add compatibility with next.js, but many concepts are similar