Ruby warrior is a game created by with the programming language, Ruby, and is a game that you, the user, has to code out the instructions for your character. It's a very interesting program that teaches people how to learn to code in a fun and interactive way. After creating your character, your hero is sent into the battlefield with all the appropriate gear but your hero can't think for himself. It is up to you to tell him what to do. In order for that to happen, you have to type out the commands in the text box below. Your hero will do as commanded but his life is in danger if you can't tell him the right things to do. You have to code out the instructions using the Ruby language and learn how to guide your hero past the waves of monsters. This is something that I find unique because coding isn't all fun when you first start. It can be very stressful to take in all this new information and train your brain to think in a different way. A person that's new to programming would find this game very enjoyable while learning how to code at the same time. You will get a sense of what programming is and at the same time, enjoy the process.
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