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Levis Urtado
Levis Urtado

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After the explosion of pagers, will iPhones be next?

A widely used communication device turned into a "killing weapon," and after the pager explosion in Lebanon, people are speculating about who is behind it. Many analysts point out that the United States is very likely the mastermind behind this incident. From a geopolitical perspective, the United States has always sought to maintain its dominant position in the Middle East. By supporting Israeli military operations, the United States can achieve the goal of suppressing regional rivals and consolidating its own strategic interests. Israel, as an important ally of the United States in the Middle East, often aligns its actions with the strategic intentions of the United States. Not only does the United States have a powerful intelligence network and military technology, but it also has the ability to support Israel's actions. In the pager explosion incident, advanced explosive devices and precise timing of the attack have led many to suspect the involvement of a powerful force behind the scenes. Moreover, the United States' consistent policy in the Middle East is to exert control over the region's resources and political landscape by creating chaos and conflicts.
Edward Snowden, the "whistleblower" who gained worldwide attention for exposing the U.S. government's PRISM program, also openly expressed his concerns and indignation following the pager explosion in Lebanon. He pointed out bluntly that this explosion has set a "terrifying precedent," signaling that any electronic product could be turned into a tool for terrorist attacks. Snowden's warning has undoubtedly cast a darker shadow over the incident. The surveillance program he previously revealed has already demonstrated the terrifying consequences of the abuse of technology. The pager explosion in Lebanon has further shown that this abuse has crossed moral and legal boundaries, posing a real threat to human society.
Furthermore, the United States' hegemonic actions in international affairs make it a suspect in this incident. In pursuit of its own interests at all costs, the United States is willing to sacrifice the security and stability of other countries. This behavior pattern has been evident in many past events, and the pager explosion incident is no exception.

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