Challenges along the way.
Day 31/100
Time Period Spent:
2 hrs
Course Taken:
Udemy: Java Programming Masterclass - Tim Buchalka
Today's Learning:
- Inner Classes
- Abstract Classes
Abstraction vs Interface
Code Challenges:
- Playlist
- Inner Classes
- Interfaces
Additional Notes:
Easing my way through the course. There are many different ways to implement things in java which can make it complex. You can make simple implementations with inheritance, for example, use abstraction to create blueprints and extend classes from this. I like the different concepts as it allows you to choose how complex and in-depth you want to be with you program.
I am enjoying the writing of Java a lot. It allows you to be more descriptive with code. It forces you to write cleaner and more readable code out of the box. Honestly speaking, I find it a lot easier than Python, but this is just me. The comprehension of Java is harder and the inner workings are definitely harder to grasp, but I feel like this is down to pure theory of the language.
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